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  1. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Strangely small autos

    Yeah they did start to get bigger in the past week, unfortunately landlord wants to come round tomorrow so had to pull them
  2. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Strangely small autos

    Did yours have a slow start?
  3. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Strangely small autos

    Them pics aren't from me, mine are the first 3 and they are 10 litres
  4. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Strangely small autos

    Been growing autos around 2 years and always use 10l and never had this before, I did pre charge the soil so hopefully it's just rooting out and will suddenly grow
  5. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Strangely small autos

    Hi all, been growing a few years now and have never had this before, I put 2 fastbuds fastberry in bio buzz light mix 3 weeks ago and they don't seem to want to grow, they look healthy just extreemly small. They are in 10l pots, 52%rh and 26.7°c temps, lights on 20/4.. any ideas,!
  6. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    Nah, their all fucked now. I think for me it was more a case of poor watering techniques and poor water quality, calcium build up. I think this all messed up my soil pH causing many lockouts. Plants look like death and still have around 5 weeks to go.
  7. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    Can't seem to find jack's over here in uk
  8. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    I was thinking to give Coco a go, would I still need to add cal-mag?
  9. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    Yeah started with half strength, pots not raised and was pH ING my water. They seem to currently enjoy 1.5ml grow and 1.5ml bloom
  10. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    Currently using 50/50 1.5ml grow 1.5ml bloom, should I just continue this
  11. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    Thanks to everyone for their inputs, plants have now stopped yellowing all together and have resumed normal growth. As mentioned before I stopped ph'ing water and upped nutes, raised pots and light.
  12. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    So took a bit of advice from everyone, raised pots, raised light and upped the feed without phong water (7.2ph with nutes) and yellowing appears to have slowed.
  13. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    It's a mars ts2000 and around 1.5ft above canopy
  14. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    Are you a water ph'er? When you flushed did you pH the water first then flush or just straight water
  15. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    I water every 2 feeds, so feed, feed, water
  16. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    No set watering here, I wait untill pit feels light but not completely
  17. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    Do you pH your water? What do you believe my issue could be?
  18. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    Been doing some research and came across an article regarding high levels of calcium in water causing the soil ph to rise. So intrigued I did a water check online for my local area and it says there is 290ppm of calcium in my water. Could this be the culprit? I e calcium building up and causing...
  19. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    Not sure as out at moment but I believe it's 2ml grow per litre, I've read alot of places that when growing autos I should use half recommended dose, I'll try uping dose and not going water, I top dressed with eco thrive charge yesterday. By feeling pots I'd say another 2 days (ish) before next...
  20. Greenthumbgrower1986

    Continuous problem every run

    Thanks for reply, no I'm in hard water 360ish ppm from tap 8.2ph, I leave to sit out for 24hours before using.