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  1. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    FLOWERING DAY 20 been watering with 1/4th tsp dyna gro bloom per gallon every day and a half or so.. tips are looking a bit burned as of tonight so i gave them all straight water today. the tallest plant is over 23 inches tall now. buds are coming in nicely... ive got little white puffballs...
  2. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    Flowering day 13 plants are all around 21 inches tall.. i have had some yellowing and brown spotting of a few lower fan leaves, not sure if it is lack of nutes or just a natural dying off of some low fan leaves. still watering distilled every day or two as they need it. tiny buds started...
  3. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    Flowering day 8 all is well. having to water a lot. This soil doesnt hold moisture for shit. Next time I'm not going to add any extra perlite. no signs of buds yet, but the colas are all looking like they are going to start showing any day. woohoo. these plants arent all that tall...
  4. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    2nd grow flowering day 3 everything is going good. this ff ocean forest mixed with perlite doesnt hold nearly the water that the mg organic choice did, and it doesnt compact either. after a few waterings the mg organic caked up and turned into a muddy brick that shrunk and pulled away from...
  5. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    just got my 600w light... holy jesus christ it is BRIGHT. there is absolutely no comparison with any other light i have owned, and i keep saltwater fishtanks as well so i have metal halides laying around.. nothing comes close to this thing. i got the whole setup, digital ballast reflector socket...
  6. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    SECOND GROW :D may as well keep the original thread going so its easy to see the difference a little experience can make :D this time ive got 4 clones going, they were topped a couple weeks ago and are coming along mighty fine. i have them under 8 26w cfls and 4 4ft flouros.. same...
  7. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    ^^thanks :D its all dried and into curing, final weight turned out to be just over 1.6oz i also just pulled the two little guys that i put into flowering straight from rooting, they each weigh 26 grams wet, so another half or so there i also made some hash oil with rubbing alcohol last...
  8. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    just finished cutting everything down and most of the trimming :D i ended up with 210 grams wet as you can see in the pic. my house reeks now lol
  9. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    CHOP DAY!!!! DAY 55 i think i am going to cut them tonight :D i pulled one of the medium sized nuggets last night and laid it near my hps to dry it, just got done smoking a piece of it. one big hit has me higher than a giraffes ass :D it is a nice, strong, heady high.. i love it! it also...
  10. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    DAY 54 trichs are still all cloudy, i didnt spend much time looking, but at a glance i am not seeing any amber it is pretty hard to resist the temptation to cut them now. i prefer heady pot over stony stuff.. im just wondering how much weight id miss out on doing it now. their fattening...
  11. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    thanks, i am pretty happy with how they are turning out all things considered. i have decent bud density and growth, but keep in mind that i have 236 watts of cfls in there as well. even with all that, i think i have a lot to gain from a bigger light so i am picking up a 400w for the next batch...
  12. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    DAY 53 all the trichs are nice and cloudy.. i can see the a difference just looking at the plants normally, they are starting to get that gooey crispy look that good dank has. the stuff is also really starting to smell good. its always been fairly stinky, but man it smells like WEED now...
  13. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    cool, thats pretty much what i am expecting. i figure anything over 2oz is just a bonus. its just for personal use and im not a very big smoker so that will be4 just about right. round 2 should be quite a lot better now that i know how this strain responds to these nutes :) regardless, next...
  14. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    DAY 52 next friday should be cut day.. man.. i cannot wait.. crystals are almost all cloudy today. yesterday they were still showing quite a bit of clear, today maybe 15% are clear :D :D
  15. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    DAY 51 i topped my vegging clones to see what kind of difference it will make over these untopped plants. they have 19 more days of veg ahead of them so hopefully i can top both of the tops on them again and still have nice growth when i put them into flower. 4 main colas is better than one i...
  16. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    DAY 50 :D hopefully only 10 days left!
  17. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    thanks!! i hope so :D ill be updating every day until harvest, well see what happens does anyone that has had a similar sized plant have a general estimate of what kind of weight i might expect? i am having a hard time visualizing what it will all look like cut. the buds are not fluffy at...
  18. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    DAY 49 / BEGINNING OF WEEK 7 well i had my day count wrong up until this point, today is actually the 49th day of flower. they started on june 23rd. not much new to report, they just keep on swelling :D 7 days to go?? i hope so hehe
  19. B

    60 days of growth in one post! a first timers condensed journal

    DAY 46 everything is coming along nicely. last night i fed a gallon of distilled water with approx 1 tbsp of molasses and just under 1/2 tsp dyna gro bloom. the buds are noticeably fatter and taller again today. trichomes are still mostly clear. i also picked a couple pieces of popcorn and...
  20. B

    Lady's 12/12 from seeds wit 400whps

    what kind of soil are you using? are you using nutes?