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  1. DJBoxhouse

    Fucking people..

    I just moved here recently so I got what I could get at the time being. When one or two of my friends finally makes it up here like I did *I was first out of 4 people intending on moving* we're planning on renting a house together. Soon.- soooooooon.
  2. DJBoxhouse

    Is it safe to get my cat and dog high?

    Never had an animal get sick on it yet, but I'm sure from how you described treating that cat you're quite proficient at it. Stop torturing animals dude, it's not cool. Why would you let your dog eat roaches and leaves? Wait, never mind. I don't want to know.
  3. DJBoxhouse

    Is it safe to get my cat and dog high?

    Also, that's terrible, I hope she went to jail too.
  4. DJBoxhouse

    Is it safe to get my cat and dog high?

    Lol, I love it when dogs moreso than cats smoke weed, they're so affectionate yet chill. cat's are cool too, they sometimes take the pets but they mostly just go and chill by themselves or nearby. My pup was 14 when he passed away, I got him for my bday when I was 5 years old. A rottweiler. He...
  5. DJBoxhouse

    Is it safe to get my cat and dog high?

    That's called suffocation and mental trauma a.k.a. torture, quite the difference to eating non chocolate pot cookies and gently wafting smoke in it's direction while not hampering it's movement let alone containment within a tiny little box. Smooth.
  6. DJBoxhouse

    Is it safe to get my cat and dog high?

    don't be an idiot, no one said they ate it, they just nip it like it's a toy with a nice smell. besides if you bake food for it without chocolate its perfectly fine.
  7. DJBoxhouse

    Is it safe to get my cat and dog high?

    It's something they need to be slowly worked into, my old dog when he was a puppy loved the smell of pot, he'd always nibble on my bud and stems, and he'd sit up straight right on my lap when I smoked every single time. I'd gently waft it down in his face once or twice and he'd chill to some...
  8. DJBoxhouse

    Fucking people..

    Yeah, I wish. I'm not a violent person. At all. I can't bring myself to harm another out side of defense of myself or others. It's not within me. Besides, it won't solve anything. - If my landlord calls I'm just going to be straight up with him about it and say what's going on, I've always...
  9. DJBoxhouse

    The Dedication Thread

    Nobody likes my tribute to RIU? Now I'm sad.
  10. DJBoxhouse

    Fucking people..

    Well, heres the thing. - I consider myself pretty fit, I work out every day, weigh about 210, body fat is 11% *shut up im not bragging, im making a point* now, the one kid wouldn't be able to do jack shit, but his roomate....let's just say he could eat me. Stupid as sin, but he could quite...
  11. DJBoxhouse

    Fucking people..

    Well they're gone now, so it shouldn't be an issue anymore. I want to go outside of my door and see if they left anything, but I Don't know what'd I'd do if they were waiting there. they've been gone for a good few minutes. and yeah, I live in one of those shitty places.
  12. DJBoxhouse

    Fucking people..

    I'm not mad about them not liking the noise, granted if i was too loud, fuck I'm sorry, my bad, but be an adult about it. I'm awe stricken about how it was handled. I'm prob gonna get a call from my landlord about it too, which is total bullshit. That and the fact that they fucking had no...
  13. DJBoxhouse

    Fucking people..

    How fair is this; I live in an appt complex, and I Work a 6pm till 3am shift, I get home and all I want to do is wind down to some music - I even keep monitor on the volume, nothing too loud, I'm paranoid about bothering people and paranoid about sound when im high so i keep tabs. These..for...
  14. DJBoxhouse

    The real size of an atom

    I've seen this more than the internet, but I'll give you rep for gathering it for us all.
  15. DJBoxhouse

    The Dedication Thread

    3O_GODR-rCk Oh baby. I dedicate this to myself, because it's very very fitting, It's that time of year. Shes got me dancin, got me hot and bothered every time. And this is for you RIU! 2a4gyJsY0mc
  16. DJBoxhouse

    How much do you have to eat to get knocked out?

    depends on your size, just so you have something to estimate on - I'm 210lbs, I tend to put an ounce of AAA grade weed, like jack herer and such into my cookies. One ounce per lb and that makes 94 cookies. I've tested this out once through a full batch, increasing my cookie intake by one a day...
  17. DJBoxhouse

    Dj Boxhouse: RIU's top 100 list.

    Tommy Sparks - She's Got Me Dancing: Video
  18. DJBoxhouse

    Dj Boxhouse: RIU's top 100 list.

    The Bird And The Bee - Preparedness Lele - Breakfast (Mercury Remix) Electric Six - "Danger! High Voltage" Evil Nine - They Live! (Trevor Loveys Remix)...
  19. DJBoxhouse

    Simple Questions About Beliefs

    I don't know about anyone else, but I definitely didn't bother reading what was posted above. Just abbreviate every argument or discussion into simplistic 'your mom' jokes. The victor shall have his point heralded across the land as blatant and unfathomable truth. BEGIN!
  20. DJBoxhouse

    From Scratch

    bumping thread.~