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  1. kho20

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    lol seed favors
  2. kho20

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    idk being that the ballast is only so many watts but hell i hope it works but man the 300w replacement cfls are just as cheap oh and ill see what i can do bro ours is a cattle op half the year and maintence the other half but i have a real good friend that has a big quarterhorse ranch they do...
  3. kho20

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    hahaha lol im gonna shit if this is on the news hahah guy killed for seeds from internet haha vip status lmao
  4. kho20

    LOOK 40 year old nam seed into this!!!!!

    and the field of marijuana i believe its there ive heard the stories bout it as for the tank thing lol i think we all kno the answer and agree with ya haha lol theres a pic ill have to find it but theres a wild mj plant with american soildiers taking a house lol
  5. kho20

    LOOK 40 year old nam seed into this!!!!!

    lol well we kno i didnt edit cus were on the same page landraces are stable plants acclimated over hundreds to thousands of years that survive souly by mother nature and that big hps in the sky lol
  6. kho20

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    lol damn i always miss so much conversations on here fuckin work haha and the chic thank god shes got that well im gonna censor my self lol but yeah where is the pin ups cant wait to hit print hahahahaha
  7. kho20

    Champagne + purple, medical, 1st grow

    did you say fruity skunky lol i think i found your plants sister lol nah it was the las bagseed but damn its gettin me livid rite now haha lol man
  8. kho20

    LOOK 40 year old nam seed into this!!!!!

    chi who said that i kno i said and i quote "but then were back to the whole landrace issue guys NOT every thing in a country is a landrace ......" meaning its an entire country im sure theres cultivated and wild mj somewhere lol
  9. kho20

    LOOK 40 year old nam seed into this!!!!!

    lol thank you finnally got you to say it haha fuck that took awhile well anyway so urs is gonna make it thru the frost man i kno you was worried bout it ......... shit im not tryin to hijack a thread srry dude ummm ill quit haha oh props on ur dad and weed cant wait for the smoke report
  10. kho20

    LOOK 40 year old nam seed into this!!!!!

    exactly how it should be and props to you for serving also my point ive been trying to get across is the story is more of a memento of his father which is super awesome that their jus happened to be seeds in the nam stuff in a box his dad most likely handled everything he found wore and lived...
  11. kho20

    Champagne + purple, medical, 1st grow

    mmmmmmm i want i want
  12. kho20

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    lol because im a rancher now working toward my goal of world domination lmao
  13. kho20

    LOOK 40 year old nam seed into this!!!!!

    hell i didnt mean that towards anyone im jus saying not everything is gonna be site specific land races are a total different subject tho you tellin me that mister Timbuktu too is gonna offer an American solider the best they have i bet the person the seeds came from was poor as hell and would...
  14. kho20

    LOOK 40 year old nam seed into this!!!!!

    honestly to say its bullshit that its not an east asian sativa is like saying all oreo only makes one type of cookie is it that hard to believe that a measly 40 years ago they were growing weed and hmmm whats a profit maker having something the others dont hmmm maybe it was by accident the some...
  15. kho20

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    lol thats my dream job ....... evil scientist
  16. kho20

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    lol shit well i jus read that and couldnt make since of it either lets jus say thats been my week hahaha
  17. kho20

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    i thought bout gettin one of those outdoor security lights and rip it apart for a light its super easy u jus have to remove the light sensor and you said you got the extra wire why not make em remote ballast while your at it haha and hell yes they need to make new episodes as for the new dwc...
  18. kho20

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    rite my sides were hurtin lol
  19. kho20

    Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

    lol i can actually see you there kickin shit around yelling that hahaha but seriously it sucks damn global alignment mistakenly called warming due to a major hemispherical shift the north is south the west is east every thing changes tides change oceans move land floods freezes over or dries...
  20. kho20

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    lol hoe into a house wife lol