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  1. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Flora Series Nutrients Question

    Yea I said fuck it and just paid the 30$for the bottle at the store. I always used an A and B solution before this. I got all 3 so might as well use all of em together.
  2. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Flora Series Nutrients Question

    I just ordered Flora Gro and Flora Bloom I didn't order the Flora Micro. Can you use just the Bloom and Gro or is the Micro absolutely necessary right away or can I wait a couple weeks and just get away with the Bloom and Grow for a couple weeks?
  3. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp


    Is topping worth it? Ive only done it with one grow and the two colas I got were both smaller then the single colas on the plants I left alone and 2 plants didnt even grow new colas, so is it worth it really?
  4. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Veg Room

    Hey guys, my roots look a little brown in spots, wondering if this could be the start of root rot or just the nutes coloring them? Im also having a problem keeping humidity up while the light is on although it does not seem to be a problem until the light has been on for a few hours and gets...
  5. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp


    Anybody here do this? And if so is it worth it/does it work? If so how much of a difference does it make? I used to tie down my tops and they would turn and grow back up, this seems to be similar in theory.
  6. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Enery Cost calculation

    No, im running a 400w with a 400w bulb in the veg room, 1000 watt in the bud room.
  7. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Enery Cost calculation

    That makes me very happy :D, The 400 w is for veg and the 100w is for flower so yea 12hrs on off, its dimmable might een go 600w and then go 1000w for the last couple weeks.
  8. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Enery Cost calculation

    Hey guys, might be a dumb question but imma ask it anyways. When calculating how much costs to run my 400 watt, and 1000w ballasts do I include the bulb on my calculations as well. 400 w ballast X 18hrs X 30 days @ .10 cents kw = 22.5 Do I then count the 400 w bulb as well as an additional...
  9. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Humidity dome for germination?

    Ive heard different opinions regarding this, this is my first time using a heat mat and humidity dome, some say dont use a humidity dome when germinating because it could cause mold to grow on the seed. Ive always just used the paper towel and glass mug method and then transferred to a make...
  10. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp


    Hey, seen a lot of talk lately about Fogger systems being used for the whole grow veg through flowering. Has anybody done this?
  11. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    canadian breeders...

    Ill be starting them in a couple weeks, Ill let ya know how it turns out. A lot of hermies out there.
  12. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    canadian breeders...

    yum, is that sativa?
  13. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    canadian breeders...

    Just used Order by the Information at this link. Dealt with a Mike J, I ordered 10 seeds from two different strains, $60 received them about 8 business days later, I live in the Mari times and we never expect mail to be on time, but the...
  14. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Hydroguard help

    Any problems with nut build up?
  15. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Hydroguard help

    Seen comment about the issue with life, it says not to use more then 10 hours a day, how long did this unit last you? And did you have to worry about the water level, seen comments saying too much and it just spit water
  16. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    Go the drug store get your self a 3 cc sysringe get a friend to to fill it with piss, Put it between your ass and balls inside your underwear leave it there for 20 mins then go take your test. Make sure to piss in the toilet and shake up the bottle to make it foamy.
  17. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Seed Germination for Aero system? Neoprene?

    Dont have a bubble clone, never used one Ive always just cut the clone and put it in my veg area. Although it is a bit tedious having to do a wick system. How do you find the Bubble Cloner works? Is it worth it? If I wanted to make one, couldn't you just put a humidifier in a bucket??
  18. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Seed Germination for Aero system? Neoprene?

    Any original ideas or tried and tested methods for germinating seeds. Ive always just used dirt, then took them out and rinsed off the roots, but I usually have a lot of loss either when removing, rinsing or trying to get the roots into the medium. At one point I used a wick running down into...
  19. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    Aeroponics vs Drip System

    Hey So far all my grows except the last one have been Flood N Drain DIY systems In built. They worked great but I switched to a aeroponic system last year a pump, pvc and little spar nozles, the results were great but it was a terrible time keeping them up right, aligned, anyway it was just a...
  20. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

    MH or CFL for Veg?

    So T5's is the way to go, Im not looking for tall plants, I want to try and keep them short but branchy which the MH has done a great job of, but as Phil k said, My veg space and Flow space are both contained in the same area so the heat from the 400 watt and the 600 watt all add up in the room...