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  1. P

    attitude free offer!

    So wait, how do you get the free seeds? It looks to me like I am paying for them if I click on the UFO link...anyone know how this is working out?
  2. P

    Aerogarden cloaning???? Does it work will it work?

    sure does, great for cloaning...I use it for my system now...
  3. P

    New, Crazy Scientist in town...

    Roseman, great to hear from you. My journal is here:, it will be linked to my signature it just a moment. There is another member here, can't remember who it was, but did a very in-depth awesome grow. Hope for some...
  4. P

    Mad scientist at work

    Hey, there's a much newer, more real crazy scientist with a grow journal started. You should definitely read it, he does a lot more than grow. He's me. Here's my link, or it's called "crazy chemist, crazy grow".
  5. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    So, as I said, I chose this system for a reason...let's look at some math. Besides having absolutely no heat problem when growing in 18x24x52 inches only. I consume 0.181kW/hr for this system, with everything on, 0.011kW/hr with the pump and air on alone. By running my expected light cycles, I...
  6. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    So here is my system. As I mentioned, I've done a good amount of indoor and outdoor grows, all of which I have had good results. Once indoor soil grow was weak, but I had 2 small T's in a closet, but I've also done an outdoor on my balcony that produced something I named Purple Piss. I called it...
  7. P

    Crazy Chemist, crazy grow

    This is my journal, no hi-jacking please. Any questions about my experiments or whatever else is on your mind can be directed to my "Introduce yourself" post titled "New, crazy scientist in town...". This is my post from the introduction page, just to get the background info straight. Hey...
  8. P

    New, Crazy Scientist in town...

    Hey everyone, I thought I would introduce myself here, but I mist admit I probably won't include too much info here. Let's say I live in a place where this stuff is not legal, hypothetically-speaking, that could be bad for this will have to stay anonymous. At any rate, I've been...