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  1. Shroomhead420

    What do you guys think of this idea?

    I'm just so sick of people and always hearing about violence and stuff. I was just thinking maybe in May just get up and leave and tell a few people that im going on vacation or something. But I want to go somewhere far away and just grow a bunch of marijuana and basically live off the land and...
  2. Shroomhead420

    Coolest Winter Outdoor Grow

    Holy crap just a $100? I love the idea I have been trying to figure out a way to grow outdoors in the winter. BTW how much would one of those solar panels cost? I cant really look right now.
  3. Shroomhead420

    Does the female plant produce any seeds?

    I know the male makes the seeds but Im giving my seeds to my friends to grow(hydrophonics) and in the end will their be any seeds in the buds so I can get my seeds back for my grow?
  4. Shroomhead420

    When is the last time I should eat before I take DXM?

    I'm going to take it around 11 tonight and all I have had is a few yogurts. Do you think I could eat dinner and be all right? I want to reduce the chance of puking as much as possible and have the effects hit sooner.
  5. Shroomhead420

    Is there any place that will ship salvia to Michigan?

    Im on my wii so the internet is slow but me and my friend want to buy some on the internet but we're not sure if any place will send it here because its illegal.
  6. Shroomhead420

    Should I keep tinfoil on my jars?

    I gotta go so I can't research for a little while. Anyways I have 4 jars, 4 plastic cups and 2 glass cups. So on the jars should I leave the tinfoil on? And should I poke holes in the tinfoil on the cups? And I do have vermiculite on the top.
  7. Shroomhead420

    Growing in the woods

    I recently found a fairly large area of small trees that arnt much taller than I am. I plan on cutting a few down but would they still get enough sunlight? I can't really tell right now so does anybody have any expierence with growing in the woods?
  8. Shroomhead420

    my 18mnth old cat is dying

    Sorry to hear that hopefully they can help your cat. Last year my moms cat was dying and my parents took him in and they gave him some shots and he got better for a few days but then he got worse and we had to put him down. Edit: just red that your cat died sorry to hear that man.
  9. Shroomhead420

    $75 an eighth! Are you kidding me!?

    Damn people are stupid. I wonder if anybody has actully bought from him.
  10. Shroomhead420

    Half OZ of LSD

    Nice pic man anyways have fun :)
  11. Shroomhead420

    risky grow ops

    I would still go with it. If anybody comes to your door just walk outside and shut the door behind you. I don't know about keeping a gun because if you got busted I'm sure they wouldn't be to nice if they found a gun also but definatly keep some kind of weapon.
  12. Shroomhead420

    Would this work for growing in a swamp?

    Yeah bud rot is my main concern but if its as dry as it was last year I think I will be fine. And can't wait for the pics man.
  13. Shroomhead420

    Would this work for growing in a swamp?

    Damn!! If I had that many I would be so paranoid lol.
  14. Shroomhead420

    Would this work for growing in a swamp?

    Thanks guys I will try your ideas also and just mess around to see what are the best. And that sucks you lost your plants man lol
  15. Shroomhead420

    deep woods- how dark can you go?

    I haven't grown yet but I look for an area that a bunch of small trees are growing then in a few months I will cut a few down. Other than that I really don't know much
  16. Shroomhead420

    What TV should I keep in my room?

    I have this big bulky 20 in and a 16-18 in(I'm guessing the box is in the basement and I don't feel like measuring) flatscreen. I don't have cable hooked up in my room so I only watch movies and play video games.
  17. Shroomhead420

    Your first Drug/Substance

    The first drug I did was adderall but I don't really count that so Xanax
  18. Shroomhead420

    Would this work for growing in a swamp?

    I haven't explored all the woods around here yet but right now I will probably a few plants out in the swamp. Alright so I plan on digging a big hole and putting a giant trash bag in and then fill it up with whatever type of soil I use. Then I can build something to keep the water from drowning...
  19. Shroomhead420

    2013 Monster Outdoor Grow Competition!!!!

    I'm down for it. I probably won't have very big plants because its my first time.
  20. Shroomhead420

    Who actully buys weed from the cartels?

    I'm glad to see people like that. I don't care if it was the best weed in town I'm still not supporting the cartels. To bad people around here would buy from them as long as it is good.