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  1. FreddieMercury

    Attitude free seeds, any good??

    hahah im in the midwest 2 bro... we will see, hopefully tomorrow :weed:
  2. FreddieMercury

    My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...

    UfN5GrBeEHY what do you guys think so far? last time i grew these seeds i got 2 different looking plants, one of them looked very INDICA dominant, it had really big fan leaves, those ended up being male, then the other plant looked more SATIVA dominant, it had more lengthy leafs, that one...
  3. FreddieMercury

    My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...

    wats up everyone im gonna post some new pics of my 3 white widow plants, they sprouted from their rock wool cubes the 22nd of November, they are growing big and healthy, 2 of the plants look identical and 1 looks different.... ill post the pics up in a few minutes...
  4. FreddieMercury

    Attitude free seeds, any good??

    yeah i dont think ill get them today (sunday) im looking forward for tomorrow hopefully i get them. :weed:
  5. FreddieMercury

    Attitude free seeds, any good??

    damn haha thats fast! mine it says that it was dispatched on NOV 28, so hopefully they will get here soon, i need to start germinating these ladies ASAP, yeah i was going to wait for the Skunk train but i got a little impatient! lol
  6. FreddieMercury

    Attitude free seeds, any good??

    ive heard nothing but good things about attitude hope they dont let me down...:leaf:
  7. FreddieMercury

    Queen Rocks!

    Queen Rocks!
  8. FreddieMercury

    $500 to quit for a year

    u shud agree to do the deal, and tell her that she has to give u 100$ for a random drug test... u shud secretly keep smoking, and then randomly tell her "come on mom drug test me! i need that 100$!" believe me i doubt shell actually test u cause if u show confidence shell know shes down 100$...
  9. FreddieMercury

    So...whatcha growing for 2010?

    im growing currently vegging 3 white widow babies. and im waiting for my Attitude order, i will be getting Barneys Farm LSD, Dutch Passion Blueberry, and a few freebies... UFO# 1 DNA Hash Plant Haze UFO# 2 Dinafem Moby Dick UFO# 3 Dinafem Seeds Blue Hash UFO# 4 Dinafem Power Kush UFO# 5...
  10. FreddieMercury

    Attitude free seeds, any good??

    wich one of the free strains will flower in 8 weeks? or shorter?? cause my sog is gonna be a 2 month cycle... i still havent gotten my order from Attitude i ordered it the 27th so hopefully ill get them soon...
  11. FreddieMercury

    Attitude free seeds, any good??

    :weed: wow man cali kush looks amazing!!! it looks blue and purple!! do u have any close up pics of the nugs??? wow it looks amazing,,, ur only gonna flower it for 7 months???
  12. FreddieMercury

    My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...

    yeah i realized that bro, the white widow i grew i flowered for 9 months and it was amazing, i read that LSD flowers fast, and i also have read that dutch passions blueberry flowers quick 2mi wont have problems leaving them 9 or 10 weeks, the strain that i know im gonna have to leave for up to...
  13. FreddieMercury

    Attitude free seeds, any good??

    hahah thats a good idea!, yeah ive heard some mixed opinions on moby dick but i know that i probably wont be growing that strain at the moment,, and the bluehash seems liike its a long flowering time, the grow that im going to do is a 4 part flowering cycle.. so the strain that i will chose has...
  14. FreddieMercury

    my very first grow White Widow Max (LOTS OF PICS)

    hey bro yeah i got the afghan mazar but none of them cracked lol... the white widow was the best smoke ive ever smoked bro, i took a couple hts and i was on my ass,, its defenatly a indica, it couchlocked me like no other, its my night time smoke,,,, u will enjoy it bro its def grade A stuff:weed:
  15. FreddieMercury

    My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...

    hey bro awsome link thanks for the reply! the way i want to grow my clones is i want to cut the bottom of the clones, i basically just want to have 1 main cola, that will hopefully yield me around 1 oz.:weed:
  16. FreddieMercury

    Attitude free seeds, any good??

    hey bro thanks for the reply, yeah we got some of the same stuff, im hopefuly getting my seeds tomorrow or friday, as soon as i get them im gonna germinate them, at the moment i have 3 white widows vegging for about 1 week under cfls (18/6).... i do have a journal its in my signature, check it...
  17. FreddieMercury

    My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...

    hahah yeah bro i know these are the humble beginings lol.... and im actually thinking of having my first lb. in 3.5 months.... i will be vegging these ladies for 1.5 months and i will be cutting clones from them and start flowering them as soon as they root, i will be flowering them for 2...
  18. FreddieMercury

    Attitude free seeds, any good??

    sounds really good bro! im still waiting on my seeds, at the moment i have 3 white widow seeds vegging under cfls(18/6) they are about 1 week old, as soon as i get my Barneys LSD and Dutch Passion Blueberry im gonna germinate them and begin vegging them, i will be letting them veg for 1 month...
  19. FreddieMercury

    Bump If You're Baked!
