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  1. F


    ya sounds good:)
  2. F


    anyone try super skunk im thinkin on growing some starters or clones its pretty good smoke i find anyways suggetions for strains??
  3. F


    word well ill keep you'all posted hoping they'll stresh nice lol
  4. F


    lol srry but the threds didnt get many replies the other times wont happen again lol well i figure more veggin will be better anyways whats the hurry right
  5. F


    aight thanks for the tips think ill keep em veggin 3 fty by 5ft
  6. F

    Help Please

    apparntly no more i have gotton help srry
  7. F


    lol well we can hope...
  8. F


    Ther 17 days older now need better camera
  9. F


    ouch i have a grow box 3ft tall by 4 1/2 long how big u think i could go bout 16''-18'' prolly better, i have three plants im hoping female Brain Candy NYC Desiel Burmese Cotton candy mixed
  10. F


    lmfao not that bad
  11. F


    9 inches very sorry
  12. F

    Help Please

    hello i need help determing the size my plant might roughly bud to, it is 9 inches tall/wide and 5 1/2 weeks old under 2 100watts and 2 150watt cfls
  13. F


    what would 1 9'' plant bud roughly under 2 100watt and 2 150watt cfls
  14. F


    what would one 9'' plant bud roughly? under 2 100-watt and 2 150 watt cfl full reflectivity please help
  15. F

    What the hell is going on here? (pics)

    looks like a burn did you add 1/2 the required dose some plants cant handle fertalizers
  16. F

    New Grow Box

    3ft by5ft and NYC DIESLE MIXED WITH COTTON CANDY AND BURMESE(BRAIN CANDY):) First Grow Hoping It turns Out All right.
  17. F

    New Grow Box

    well i have now finished my grow box and am waiting 2 42watt cfls and 2 26watt to start the flowering process im hoping females:) better pics comming
  18. F

    Enough Light?

    cool waiting to sex, i c ur working the cabnet pretty good lol right on
  19. F

    Enough Light?

    I have three plants to two 26 WATT cfls and a small 13 watt im planing on getting 2 45watts in the near future though will this do for now??
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    starting to sex?

    4 weeks old