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  1. B

    Will this be enough light for seedlings?

    for seedlings you need 1 of those little CFls per plant amd about the two week period you should have 2-4 of those cute lil bulbs per plant. or one or two bigger CFLs... i would think with the lowryders this would be very important since they are a naturally small and short lived plant and you...
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    what does "auto flowering" mean?

    er strange. autoflowering means that the plants goes into flowering regardless of light cycle. a certain period of days pass after sprouting and they go into flower on their own under a (recommended) 18/6 light schedule. do a search on Joint Doctor's Lowryder and you will find the original...
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    My first attempt at growing

    welcome to the club, brother Mary :eyesmoke:
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    My first attempt at growing

    YUCK! i just licked my fricken monitor :spew:
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    perfect watering for your plants

    true words :joint:
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    perfect watering for your plants

    sounds like you are familiar with the clumsiness of stoner growers :D the biggest danger to my plants is me :roll: the 2 liter idea might work for a short vacation watering system.
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    My first decent grow, how I have evolved over a year, still not their yet though.

    absolutely no argument at all! but i do only have a space that is only 29.5 inches tall right now LOL i like to burn my pot in the bong, not before ;) i was just at Lowes today and i found a HUGE wooden cabinet for $109... 4 foot wide, 3 foot deep and 6 foot tall... if i go that route i will...
  8. B

    -Help- Female? Too early to tell?

    i cant really tell from those pics... looks like new leaf growth to me though... and unless you are an experienced grower i recommend you not play games with your lighting cycles at all. stick to what works till you have some grows under your belt.
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    perfect watering for your plants

    not nearly enough water for our crops.
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    How do dealers kill the seeds??

    a friend of mine from Africa said that was a common dish over there... the idea never amused me enough to try it though. i have known a LOT of dealers in my day and not a one of them ever even thought about sterilizing seeds.
  11. B

    Best lights for veg and flowering

    thanks for that info, BeverlyRollins69! i had pictures of big honking branded labels on the packaging :o "another bud grower supplied by Ye Olde Hydro Shoppe!"
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    Bud sites developing during veg...

    This message is hidden because Johnnyorganic is on your ignore list. :D
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    Bud sites developing during veg...

    good grief man, if THAT is insulting you should use the avatar you suggested for me... welcome to my ignore list :roll:
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    Bud sites developing during veg...

    because unlike you, i read what the other person says... let me refresh your memory and paste what you put when you down repped me: i didnt resort to insults.
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    Bud sites developing during veg...

    yeah, i saw your name on it... but you STILL havent seen i didnt call YOU lazy
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    Bud sites developing during veg...

    dude, you cant read and repped me down? man soooooo not cool. i never insulted you i said i was being lazy. i should rep you down for your inability to read but instead i think i will just tell anyone who reads this thread this so they know better than to talk with you. go ahead and rep me...
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    Best lights for veg and flowering

    i do keep it small (and ScrOG) and flower early... and get this, i got called a dumbass for it earlier today :roll:
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    Bud sites developing during veg...

    um, reread that again... it is MY personal laziness i was speaking of :joint:
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    Best lights for veg and flowering

    29.5 inches tall ;)
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    Bud sites developing during veg...

    it is silly because it has become a back and forth thing without any data being offered. it is silly because i have no desire to do your homework for you. there isnt a single documented case of an autoflowering plant that isnt bred with ruderalis... and there IS documented evidence of the sole...