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  1. chalkolate

    will a G.E. plant&aquarium F20 wide spectrum fluorescent work?

    im not so sure on this. i was using an 18 inch one on some seedlings and they didnt seem to react much at all to it. daylight cfl is better imo
  2. chalkolate

    Pretty sure this is a male but i want a definite answer from RIU

    not really seeing much of anything going on yet. id say wait a little longer
  3. chalkolate

    Slit in my stem

    thanks for the info guys :) yeah its nothing too bad at all its just that one cut, i removed it and just let it relax
  4. chalkolate

    Slit in my stem

    whats up everyone. been lurking around the forums for some time now and its time to finally post something. started a fairly new grow about a month or so ago from some good bud and its looking good so far except for one thing, one of my plants has a cut on the stem with a little brownish area...
  5. chalkolate

    New here

    just thought id give a big whats up to the RIU community, glad to be a part of it :mrgreen: