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  1. E

    droopy at night, too much molasses

    Hey Microracer. It is interesting what you said about the ph. How do you check the ph of your soil and how do you change it? This past feeding was the first time I put molasses in right before I watered. The other times it has just been an ingredient of my various teas. Thanks in advance.
  2. E

    droopy at night, too much molasses

    Thank for all the responses. The droopiness was definitely more than normal, but now everything is fine. I watered with a compost tea yesterday made with mostly worm castings. The plants are super happy now, and I noticed this morning that they were wilted way less. I was told that molasses...
  3. E

    droopy at night, too much molasses

    Hi guys and gals. I either have a problem or a over active imagination. Plant history and info: Plants are about 4 weeks old and growing in 6 in pots. They have been on a 18/6 light cycle since germination and overall health is great. I need to transplant soon, but I am waiting for more...
  4. E

    cloning multiple choice question

    It just seems like a wasted effort to repot only to throw away half of them. Would it be worth it to flower now and take clones from the bottom when the sex is known. (i seemed to have forgotten this option when i typed the origanl post) Or would it be too stressful to the clones to pull them...
  5. E

    cloning multiple choice question

    This is my first thread, let me know if somebody wants more info.
  6. E

    cloning multiple choice question

    Cloneing question. Lets say someone has a large number of plants about 9" to 12" tall, growing from an unfeminized seed source. The plants are not root bound yet, but would love to be repotted soon. Should the plant owner.... A. Top clone all, then flower, then "weed" out males. B. Clone...