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  1. Sittin On A Cloud

    Games take more skill than sports?

    I hate your bug sig i always try to smash it:lol:
  2. Sittin On A Cloud

    Worst drug ever

    I think its marijuana because it destroys lives and pot heads are the most destructive people i know:mrgreen::roll: Haha you should see your face right now:eyesmoke:bongsmilie
  3. Sittin On A Cloud


    Put the bag of weed in a raw meat package and when the dog goes to it they will just think hes hungry :mrgreen:kiss-ass
  4. Sittin On A Cloud

    MANS BEST FRIEND-shoff your dog.

    Theres already a thread like thisbongsmilie
  5. Sittin On A Cloud

    What is your Zombie contigency plan?

    My plan would be to raid walmart, the gun store, and my dealers house lol Then i would put all of that in the church by my house and sit on top of the bell tower sniping them with my bolt action
  6. Sittin On A Cloud

    cops bustin you.

    Ive done meth 3 times in two days and im no where near addictedkiss-ass That was a couple of months ago
  7. Sittin On A Cloud

    Alien Base on the Dark Side of the Moon

    I dont think they would build one on the moon because what if an asteroid were to hit it there goes another three trillion dollars :rolleyes:
  8. Sittin On A Cloud

    What does being high feel like to you?

    Like a slice of butter on a big ole pile of flapjacks.......yea
  9. Sittin On A Cloud

    You know you're stoned when..

    When you forget you have the bong in your hand and start to stretch and pour bong water down your back and head:mrgreen:
  10. Sittin On A Cloud

    Stoner Psychic Study

    Lol this had me rolling
  11. Sittin On A Cloud

    when to smoke

  12. Sittin On A Cloud

    RIU Mobile

    I was smoking a blunt and started thinking why dont riu make a mobile website so people can log on and post while we're out. Something like twitter or something. If there already is one pardon me:eyesmoke:
  13. Sittin On A Cloud

    This is where legends come from.

    Pretty badass + rep
  14. Sittin On A Cloud

    Resin coated Tobbacco

    I hate tobacco I just put my roaches in my bong and bongsmilie
  15. Sittin On A Cloud

    You idiots that use fedex

    Sounds like acid :-/ Give it a minute lol
  16. Sittin On A Cloud

    u all should help me out alil?+rep

    If your on her wireless plan you should be able to see them onlinekiss-ass
  17. Sittin On A Cloud

    You idiots that use fedex

    Lol i love this thread + rep
  18. Sittin On A Cloud

    my first confrontation with my parents!

    honestly i cannot tell if your being dirty or not lol. If not she did teach me how to roll with a dollar bill:lol:
  19. Sittin On A Cloud

    my first confrontation with my parents!

    Ive smoked with my mom before a couple of times she could hold that shit better than i could lol. I was the one who brought her her weed from my supplier
  20. Sittin On A Cloud

    New Bong (pics)

    12.58 or something