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  1. F

    Marijuana, Pineal Gland, And Dreams

    That's interesting.. a side of pot i didn't know until a few years of habitual smoking. I bet when you dont remember your dreams their just so gnarly, we cannot comprehend or make sense of it.
  2. F

    We Are Divine Beings

    i agree that humans are the scum of the earth today, but thats because of the environment we are raised in. Naturally i believe humans to only be beings of pure unconditional love energy. Our environment (government, beliefs, and greed) is what makes us scum. And you can interpret bill hicks...
  3. F

    I saw the zeitgeist movie, the religion part changed my whole perception of life.

    Actually, i believe it was made by a non-profit organization. REGARDLESS of that a lot of the main key meanings of zeitgeist are true but their evidence is partially false. I feel they are a little too hardcore on trying to get their points out there. If you believe this movie to be good and...
  4. F

    To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?

    big nuts :clap: haahaha. yeah i understand that, at least i think i understand where your coming from with that. Spread love and truth my friend, peace.
  5. F

    To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?

    homegrown, believe what you want pal im not here to change your mind, just to put out my input:blsmoke: Brazko, in alchemy they once said "if you can turn lead to gold, then the iron age can be turned into the golden age." They symbolized elements for such larger ideas and basically predicted...
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    To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?

    Right on brother. You explained that perfectly. And knowing your not alone in thought is good cuz you have reassurance for your beliefs.
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    We Are Divine Beings

    Hahaha That goes to prove how easy a whole nation, or even the whole world, can be controlled keenly. All it takes is putting on a black face and promising false hopes that all the people wish they could have like bring the troops home or closing guantanamo.
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    We Are Divine Beings

    because that's what a "god's" power is believed to be.Our powers (for now) is that we are conscious, we can feel, we can think, and we can imagine. Another theory is, we once did have these so called "godly powers"( i dont think lightning from the finger) in human history. Over time, they were...
  9. F

    To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?

    I agree, topics like these are sooo outrageously complicated. Sometimes it is hard to explain in words to truly explain what you are trying to get out. To truly understand things like these require a huge background of information that has been hidden from our knowledge. We (as a human race)...
  10. F

    To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?

    yeah that was no supposed to be my evidence. i had trouble finding research on this but i seem to have found something called the Phantom DNA experiment. the link is ^^^ in my other post. My re-interpretation may seem a little sketchy because the knowledge that i have about DNA, mind, matter...
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    We Are Divine Beings

    I dont know about so much if we waste most of our time comparing ourselves with other species. I believe we waste most of our time trying to compete with other humans. The thing with other species is that they seem to live in much more peace and harmony than humans do. In my opinion, that makes...
  12. F

    To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?

    Found the scientific evidence :mrgreen: if you need it dumbed down to understandable terms, it goes a little something like this... Our world is made from photons(little particles of light), when a vacuum was sealed with these photons they were randomly around...
  13. F

    To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?

    That was not supposed to be the scientific evidence. The evidence is in a collection of 4 hour films explaining these kinds of stuff. What i remember, is that there are 2 satellites measuring the electromagnetic field of the earth (Schumann resonance). This is the field that connects every...
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    We Are Divine Beings

    This is a 10 minute clips on youtube that explains quite a lot of key and important information. Watch and state your opinion, belief, or comment.
  15. F

    Swine Flu Predicted In The Bible!

    You know how many times the bible has been edited for the benefit of a small handful of people? It wasn't added to the bible because the people who edited these original copies felt they could be much stronger with an occult knowledge that the general public does not know about. And for the...
  16. F

    To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?

    I have to disagree with you. We do influence the universe with out thoughts and emotions. And the scientific community has proven this. Gregg Braden wraps it up very nicely. It's simply occult information that is unnoticed by the general public. I...
  17. F

    Marijuana, Pineal Gland, And Dreams

    haha thats awesome you can control your dreams. aright i just want to make sure im not the only one. at first i believed to have damaged my pineal gland and needed some reassurance that there is a cause for my cloudy dreams. I see Kushman, i smoke a bowl or two about 6-10 times a day though so...
  18. F

    Marijuana, Pineal Gland, And Dreams

    Marijuana causes the brain to create some 4000% increase in production of melatonin after 1 hour of smoking. Melatonin is the pre-cursor to DMT which is released in the Pineal gland or third eye. I smoke regularly through out the day and night. When i sleep i never seem to remember my dreams...
  19. F

    The Monetary System: Corruption, Greed, and Death

    Poplars, i understand your not ignorant but most people (americans) are just like you. They all ignore the fact and do not want to believe such corruption is occurring today. I'm not saying its a bad thing because we are raised up not to question the TRUE system that is so screwed up. In a way...
  20. F

    The Monetary System: Corruption, Greed, and Death

    Pleas e spend a little time to realize what is going on. We are being lied to over money. The greed and corruption today is unbelievable. I urge everyone who is smart and wants their eyes to be widely opened of what is TRULY going on in society to watch the Zeitgeist! This is a set of...