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  1. GiGalo

    White widow - are they ready to flower? [pics]

    Those look yummy. Great pics! must have a good cam. My grow this year is not doing well at all. I think because of a P def.... Anyway good job man.
  2. GiGalo


    Oh sh!t I did not even realize. My bad. I wonder if it ended up turning out well for them. Just tryin to help man. Thank for the heads up.
  3. GiGalo

    Northeast flowering - or in this case not

    Have they started to flower yet. They may be a little late because of the amount of light given.
  4. GiGalo


    moving the light closer will definitely help. Just be sure that it is not too close. You can tell by putting your hand under the light at the top of your plant, if the light is two hot for your hand then it is too hot for the plant. i would definitely start flowering soon man. That thing is...
  5. GiGalo


    Well I have flushed the soil with DI water twice, and now I have given it some of the organic Peace of Mind all purpose 5-5-5 fert. Since I have done this the new growth seems to be doing better. I can actually see the white hairs growing up now instead of the purple nothing... All-in-all I...
  6. GiGalo


    I do not feed any nute's. I did however fertilize the soil last year with a 12-12 fert for my garden that was there. Thanks for the heads up. I never thought of it being a nute burn. There are no bugs and this is only hapening on new growth since flowering started. If I flush will the flowers...
  7. GiGalo


    Does no one know what this problem is?
  8. GiGalo

    Northeast flowering - or in this case not

    Depending on the strain these plants can reach hights up to 8' with stalks atleast 1.5" in diameter. I have notice that morning to afternoon sunlight is the best. One of my plants right now is pushing 7.5' tall, 5' wide, and still growing like a weed! It seem that all plants that get morning to...
  9. GiGalo

    Northeast flowering - or in this case not

    I live in the northeast region also and I have been growing outdoors for about 4 years now. I notice that my plants start to flower around the end of July. If these guys had a late start or not enough light they may take longer to hit hte flowering stage. from the pics in the link you provided...
  10. GiGalo


    Here is another pic that is a little closer. I just hope that it is nothing to worry about.Speaking of cloning, can you clon after entering the flowering stage?
  11. GiGalo


    Here are some pics. Sorry but they are the best I could get.
  12. GiGalo


    I have a plant that has been growing strong all season, and when the flowering stage hit the new flowers and leave tips were dark purple. This problem has only been geting worse as more flowers come. I thought at first it might be a phospherous defieciency, but as I read about this defieciency I...