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  1. balihai

    Cut back on ferts. & watering - Sweet...

    you sure you dont make commision? :blsmoke:
  2. balihai

    Sweet purple (lower Michigan)

    i know that much.... lol i mean approxamite date, anyone remember flowering last year from mich? i grew inside. Thanks :joint::hump:
  3. balihai

    8 weeks flowering and need advice. Hermie i think

    i had a hermie indoors and with 5 plants i ended up only having 20 seeds out of all of them... but it depends how much pollen blew around. I just picked the seeds out as the buds developed.
  4. balihai

    Sweet purple (lower Michigan)

    when should i begin to use bloom booster?
  5. balihai

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    How did you obtain your license? (if u dont mind me asking) Nice plants bro.
  6. balihai

    I Don't Think This Is Good

    yea thats not good bub
  7. balihai

    horse manure

    they both smell awesome!
  8. balihai

    Huge purps outside

    Check these bitches out ... all female 7 feet tall
  9. balihai

    Sweet purple (lower Michigan)

    Here are some updated pics as of 7-30-08 Any input would be nice.. The sky is the open canapy....
  10. balihai

    plants just starting to flower

    Cut the side of the pot with a grinder or a saber saw and transfer it to a bigger pot at least.
  11. balihai

    Flowering data-base

    42 degre latitude (Lower mid michigan) preflowers on some about 3 weeks ago, good pistol development now. not sure if they actually started to bud or what. But there a lot of hairs...
  12. balihai

    Outdoor pics 08 monster bushes

    havent you ever heard of trimming the hedges?
  13. balihai

    Outdoor pics 08 monster bushes

    Those are Junior FDD bushes! I love em! what strain?
  14. balihai

    My 24 Plant Outdoor Grow of 2008 (Pics)

    Im nervous about mine, hopefully they will continue to be unoticed... nice plants buddy. I hope they turn out for you. :joint:
  15. balihai

    horse manure

    Grind up some fish too:hump:
  16. balihai

    First Grow Updated!!! pics

    How do i go about aquiring some bong seeds? you must have got a late start huh? Plants look healthy though...What strain?
  17. balihai

    Sweet purple (lower Michigan)

    Sweet purple ia a tall and lanky plant naturally. I know there are tall trees around them, but there is an pretty big open canapy... plus trees equal cover. copters would have to look straight down on them to see them. The last pics i posted are from awhile ago... The plants have gotten taller...
  18. balihai

    Sweet purple (lower Michigan)

    anyone got an idea? thanks...
  19. balihai

    my first outdoor grow ever...think they're doin good...

    I dont know what gave them the idea they are males...... I dont see any preflowers that give a sex. Good job man, just let them go and post more pics in about a week. :joint::hump:
  20. balihai

    Sweet purple (lower Michigan)

    vegged for 60 days, 12/12 for 60 days.... i yielded roughly 2 ounces inside per plant, but they were only 3.5 feet tall. How much do u think i mightget outside if they reach 8 feet? I topped once.