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  1. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Where did he say anything racist?
  2. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I'm thinking you fantasizing about punching elderly people in the throat is a lot worse than anything I might have ever done.
  3. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    You seem desperate to project this thought upon me. Is it a need to convince yourself that you are not a complete failure or just a ploy to not post this "quote". I'm thinking both.
  4. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Still not posting the quote, Bucky
  5. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

  6. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Last guy I punched in the throat didn't didn't die, so I guess more than one
  7. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Why don't you post that quote? Claiming it bothers me is nothing more than you trying to pretend you are in control. You are not. Hell, you can't even control your own bowels. Probably the reason you're always here. You can't go out in public without people pointing and laughing at you.
  8. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Fantasizing again Bucky? You are a sick one. Do you habitually assault the elderly? How about the handicapped? Children? Women? Or is this all in your sick little mind? To ineffectual to actually do anything but troll the internet? Sad little nothing, sitting in a dark, smelly, room day after...
  9. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Why don't you post that quote complete and unedited? I have challenged you many times to do this, but you never do. Why is this? Could it be because you are a liar? Another question comes to mind. None of the candidates are black. Why are you trying to pretend this is about blacks?
  10. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Clearly not actually you. No shit floating around.
  11. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    Which means we all lose.
  12. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I notice you still can't keep your multiple sock puppets straight. I remember someone named Red who said something quite different than what you say he said. You keep posting an edited quote as if that somehow proves he said that, but you never post the complete post unedited. So all you have...
  13. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    I disagree. Not voting means you have abrogated any influence you had.
  14. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    He doesn't vote here. He's not from here. Pay attention.
  15. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    He is a childish prick. This is his sole method of debate. He adds nothing to a conversation but an endless stream of insults and profanity. This is why he is always here posting under multiple personas. Society rejects his antics in the real world so his only recourse is spew his vile litany here.
  16. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    It's funny how you can never come up with a cognitive response but instead tell anyone who disagrees with you they are naive, stupid, a troll, a racist, a bigot, homophobe, etc. You will never change anyone's mind with those tactics.
  17. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    "I have a vagina. I'm going to improve the economy" 50% true. Still a complete lie.
  18. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    So a total fabrication to promote a false narrative. So you think she is lying.
  19. C

    Hillary can't be trusted

    An octopus with six arms?
  20. C

    How to get rid of Mormon missionaries

    I guess they saw how you were