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  1. easylife

    Grow experiment

    I've tried this before with white rhino, Yeah its the best smoke I've grown u just don't get much of it. The plants were like a foot or less tall but just one solid bud, well easy to prune
  2. easylife

    CO2 with no ventilation in or out

    Has anyone got any opinions on this I have 65 white rhino up in my attic. There is no where to vent in or out, so i decided to use CO2, I also have a 6" carbon filter venting strait back in the room. Has anyone tried this before or any opinions wellcome:peace:
  3. easylife

    Derailing the smell and what strains don't emit as much odor

    HAILEA - HLO-300 Click on that. This is the one i use. its about £80 don't know how much thats in dollas
  4. easylife

    Storing you grown weed

    As long as the weed is totaly dry it is good to keep it baged up. This will start the curing process. u can cure it for up to 30 days before u have to smoke it. Drying and Curing Marijuana Buds, how to dry weed and cure cannabis buds
  5. easylife

    Derailing the smell and what strains don't emit as much odor

    Na the ozone gen i've got, u can turn the amount of ozone u pump out up or down from 10% - 100% so its pritty safe. i just leave it on 10% all the time, works a fu#kin treat man
  6. easylife

    Germination Techniques

    I use formulex @ a CF of 12 and a PH of 5.5 Dip the small rockwool into the water, squeez it to let some water out and some oxegen in. then just place the seed into that.
  7. easylife

    Derailing the smell and what strains don't emit as much odor

    I recomend you get an ozone generator and put it as near to the front door as us can. this will kill the odor 100%
  8. easylife

    Big Grow, should i be worried about smell?

    I agree an ozone generator works a treat :blsmoke:
  9. easylife

    Growing for 1 month ,whats wrong?

    Tell us a bit about wot you've been doing. Wot nutes and light are you using?
  10. easylife

    Sprouts in Trouble..High Temps

    it depend how long u were @ 40. but that is way to high. All the new growth will b fucked. u need to cut the new growth. start again. and keep temp under 28 now. they r haverly shocked.
  11. easylife

    Slow Stunted Growth

    Now i flushed all the plants a few days ago, they r starting to look abit healthier but still have a magnesium deficency. they r 9-12 inches tall. My question is should i put them on flower now. or wait till their healthy?
  12. easylife

    2 month veg trimming q's

    Mate u must have very understanding nieghbours. either that or def old farts. Sounds like a fuckin jet taking off man. R u gunna change those bulbs, MH no good for flowering?
  13. easylife

    2 month veg trimming q's

    Yeah let the light thru man, won't hurt them, might bring the lower branches out more, get more yield. If u keep prunning the larger leafs wonce every couple of weeks, u'll increase the yield shit loads at the bottom of the plant. Don't prune them all tho. its a fine balance.
  14. easylife


    50w per plant. thats bollocks!!! If u veg 4 plants for a few months u could get 3 or 4 OZ dried weed per plant, using a 600w HPS High pressure sodium.
  15. easylife

    2 month veg trimming q's

    Are they from seed or cuttings? The point of pruning the leafs is to let the light throo they don't really need it yet
  16. easylife

    Help on lighting

    How longs a piece of string. u could prob fit about 200 cutting. or between 2 and 5 mothers. u don't want to flowere with these
  17. easylife

    Help on lighting

    U just want 1 600w HPS, High pressure sodium, Make sure the temp don't go over 30 degrees C. Use a Oserlating fan
  18. easylife

    First TIME 24 plant setup. when to flower??

    Well if u only want them to be short i would cut the top off the plants and put them on flower now. When u put them on 12/12 they still have 4 weeks of growing, till the stalks r set, u'll still get an ok yield
  19. easylife

    Help on lighting

    It depends wot u want to do with them. If your using it for mothers and cutting, then the blue lights of that verity r very good. If u want lights for flowering don't use these. Or the red 200w light of this sort. I've used them before, the yield was the shitest i've ever had!!!
  20. easylife

    First TIME 24 plant setup. when to flower??

    I wait untill they r between 9 & 12 inches. then put them on a 12 hours on 12 hours off light cycle, lowering the light half a foot every few days untill u cant get it any closer without burning them. If u grow them 12 inches before flowering. The stalks should set at about 3 foot 4 weeks later...