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  1. epixbud

    AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH

    well, thank ya sir.... And Nope, no light gets through, might be white plastic, but thick enough to keep the light out...
  2. epixbud

    AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH

    Glad you like man, and let me say, they are Dank! lol, and so you know, i got a few DIY threads too, shows how to make and use my tables, check it out if ya want.... I'm always glad to help with what i've learned
  3. epixbud

    AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH

    Good day there MediMary, and thank ya, i try! And yes, i use No medieum at all, and i'm not sure if the salt build up is less, i went the no medieum way just to try a theiry, and it works, Benifit's i have found is in the cleanup, cut the roots under the pot, then pull the neoprene and...
  4. epixbud

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    hay man, no prob.... As for the Jug's and trays, most can be found at your local Depot, But the big grow tables i got from a hydro shop, have seen simular tubs tho at Farm supply places, not totally the same, but you can work with them.... Hope that helps ya out some...
  5. epixbud

    AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH

    Good day there, howz it going..... Answere's.... i don't use any extra additives, just the HS 3 part... Yes i use cycle timers for the tables, 1 min on and 3 min's off.... i even use 1 for my cloner these days, 50 secs on 2 min off.... I only use Growzyme 2 times trough out there life...
  6. epixbud

    SOG dedicated to EPIX

    Nice..... looky what i started! So much Pleasure to see the success of others! Whats the deal with the Crappy weather stripping people seem to get, i havn't had any probs in 2 years with mine! Get the 3M stuff, i got mine at Home Depote, 1/2" wide by 1/8" thick, 3M stuff... Hay lowe21, get...
  7. epixbud

    AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH

    Good day all, here be some updates for ya.... I trimmed the crap outa all but my 2 next clonable mom's, fuk were they all getting too big! :o the cloner is empty till tonight, be reloaded with Gremlin this round... Into the flower room.... Here be the Romulan x SSH in week 8...
  8. epixbud

    Canadain Growers Club

    No Medium...... go Aerophonic with nuthin but Neoprean pucks and Net potz.... Works Awsome! Don't believe me? Go look at my Journal and DIY threads..... Other wize..... I'd use Sunshine Mix 4, what i use for my Mom's, 4 are 2 years old now! ........................
  9. epixbud

    AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH

    Well, thank ya sir! And thank you too! Now to answere your questions.... The size in the end i have found is dictated by how soon you flower, veg for 2 weeks in this type of system and you probly gonna have 4' plants, don't veg and usually get 2'-3' plants (what i usually get).... In my...
  10. epixbud

    SOG dedicated to EPIX

    Ya really, come on man with some pics! i'm emptyin my cloner into flower today and gonna be takin more clones tonight.. Get some pics up! These are goin into 12h today .......................................
  11. epixbud

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    good day there.... it'll work, just Don't do any veg time other then the cloner and try to get them transplanted good and short into flower (top them if needed) Thank ya sir, and good luck, you Will enjoy the simpisity and the results! Not to mention the price tag when done! And Lowe21 speaks...
  12. epixbud

    good day there, how ya doin.... Do i use all 3 stages? Not any more... i'm trying to make...

    good day there, how ya doin.... Do i use all 3 stages? Not any more... i'm trying to make SOG and doing Any Veg time other then in cloner makes for big/high plants in the end, so i stopped using the veg table and now use it as a Flower table... Straigt from cloner to Flower room... what...
  13. epixbud

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    Good day all, thought i'd update things so you know it still works! lol I did something different with the clones last batch... I let them veg for an extra week in the cloner just to promote roots.. So, here be the new clone batch, 3 days old now, AK47xSSH.... :hump: And look...
  14. epixbud

    AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH

    Well.... i just got told! lol.... Hay keeger, how do...... But you are right.... has been a while since i posted! So.... Good day all, here be some updates for ya! Outa the last crop, Gremlin in the small table, i got 14 dryed/cure Oz's... I also held the newest flower batch in the cloner for...
  15. epixbud

    AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH

    Hay man, how do.... Starter plugs isn't a good choice for this style of growing... the plug itself will be washed away aventually by the spraying water..... in the process it will plug up your pump and all your sprayers! Not a very good idea! Good day there keeger.... Yup, no Veg time...
  16. epixbud

    My new journal...

    Oh ya, there be some Sexy Lady's! Fuk they look Yum Yum!
  17. epixbud

    help, 1000w hps for just 2 plants!

    Veg them longer..... Top all the highest tops to way down and turn them lady's into big arse bush's, you'll only do it with training and topping... As for your Fertz... got a PPM meter? get one... in flower they should be starting bout 500ppm, build it up over 3 weeks to 1600ppm, Don't let...
  18. epixbud

    Canadain Growers Club

    Hay all, thought i'd toss up some pic's of my just bout done Gremlin's! You can kinda see my hand in Pic 2... These will be coming down in the next few days..... :bigjoint: ..................... :bigjoint:
  19. epixbud

    All-in-one DIY Aero Cloner/Veg/Flower Systems.....

    Hay man, all going good for me! Just been killer busy at work... What? havin troubles! lol..... got hate workin out the bugs eh! keep me posted tho.... Don't ya just hate it! Repairing cars sucks! get it done tho, wanna see your green thumb success! So all the luck to ya lad! As for...
  20. epixbud

    My new journal...

    Nice, i'll dig out some pics of the chemo and go take some of the gremlin for ya! :leaf: