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  1. M

    14 days i flower whaat do u think

    Some are in rockwal (sorry about spelling) and some peat pellets. Noticed pellets work better to start. Also whats the average time it takes a seed to sprout? The seeds I started had good tap roots. Put them in peat pellets 6 days ago inside a hot house nothing has come to surface whats the...
  2. M

    14 days i flower whaat do u think

    I just started to flood the buckets. leaves feel dry some ends crumble. Also have little holes in some leaves looks like something was munching. Do I take those off or will they be ok. Noticed today that stems getting sticky. Some pre-flowers not a lot though.
  3. M

    14 days i flower whaat do u think

    I dont know what r/o is and i gave the formula for nutrients im using. They are 10 gal buckets and they have 2 plants in them. How do I cool the buckets without shocking roots. Thank you by the way keep any advice coming. Whats flooding?
  4. M

    14 days i flower whaat do u think

    how do you overwater in a hydro set-up?????????????
  5. M

    14 days i flower whaat do u think

    not sure trying to get some input. How do you think they look. and why the wilting
  6. M

    14 days i flower whaat do u think

    What is the ideal temp. Im running at about 74- 80 deg. and bucket temp is 69-72 deg. humidity averages 50%
  7. M

    14 days i flower whaat do u think

    cant be over watering I dont think they are hydro plants
  8. M

    14 days i flower whaat do u think

    h2o=7.0 4ml m and 8ml b=5.21-.5.24 .5ml ph up=5.80 ppm=459 ec=920
  9. M

    14 days i flower whaat do u think

    14 days in flower. Some leaves are wilting and appear to have spots. 300 watt led, hydro buckets, were on 12/12 now going to 14/10.. Guess Im tryin to figure out if they are doin what there supposed to.
  10. M

    first timer. Is it male????????

    Not sure let me know. it is a tai skunk supposed to be fem.
  11. M

    Spots on leaves?????

    Hydro set up with a 300 watt LED. temp is 75-82 deg. water temp for roots between 69-72 deg. humidity at 50%. Leaves are wilting and look spotted. For nutrients im using the lucus formula. PH stays about 5.5. Any help needed!!! 14 days into flower cycle. lights were 12/12 for 1st week and are...
  12. M

    HELP! first time flowering

    i have a hydro set up with a 300 watt LED and some other hanging florescents. They are lemon skunk and in there 2nd week of flower. They are getting the Lucas Formula for nutrients and are maintaining a ph of about 5.5 . the temp is between 75 and 80 humidity is between 45-50%. Not sure if the...
  13. M

    Help. 2nd week flowering

    i have a hydro set up with a 300 watt LED and some other hanging florescents. They are lemon skunk and in there 2nd week of flower. They are getting the Lucas Formula for nutrients and are maintaining a ph of about 5.5 . the temp is between 75 and 80 humidity is between 45-50%. Not sure if the...
  14. M

    Help. 2nd week flowering

    So this would be my first time doin this. Have a hydroponic system in a grow tent with a 300 watt LED. For nutrients I am using the Lucas Formula ph is around 5.5. Humidity is around 40-50% with the average temp of 75. Not sure if they are doin the right thing. They are getting tall and bushy...