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  1. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Thanks for the info. I use a combo of organic Pura Vida (aggressive formula - as listed on the bottles). Grow- 6-4-3 (5mL), Bloom - 2-6-6 (8 mL). This should average to just over 5.
  2. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Many thanks! Any links to your journal??
  3. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    The scrubber is awesome:clap:. My wife says the exhaust is a 'sweet' (non-offensive) smell, but she can really notice the MJ smell when I take the ladies out for watering. She said she could smell them one floor down even though I had the bathroom door closed and the fan on for about a 10...
  4. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    I never did figure out what's causing those problems. I'm treating both plants the same, and one is fine and the other is not. It looks like they're not even the same strain. From what I've read, it could be nute burn, but I'm adding nutes every 3rd watering as per the instructions. It could...
  5. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Checked the soil pH on LMJ using the CIL test kit and tap water (pH 7). The pH looked very close to 6.0 based on the color, which is a bit low, but I'm not going to do anything differently because BMJ is healthy, and tap water is the highest pH water I have (don't want to use chemicals)...
  6. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Thanks, Bro! BMJ has beautiful crystals forming. I can't wait. I didn't really do my vacation planning well 'cause I gotta harvest at ~ 52 days vs. the recommended 56. Hopefully, it's enough time :weed:
  7. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Watered today. There's browning of some hairs on BMJ.
  8. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Thanks for the props! The ladies are smelling it up pretty good. I take them to the tub for watering because they take up so much room in the grow box I can't get to the soil. My wife almost started crying from the smell. I think I'm getting some serious allergies, too, but I'll have to...
  9. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Everything's looking pretty good. LMJ (pics 5 and 6) is definitely a female, but is flowering very slowly compared to BMJ. LMJ has some leaf problems (dead leafsets, some curling), but as long as BMJ is healthy, I'm not too concerned.
  10. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    BMJ is looking good. A bunch of nice buds forming, especially along the main stem. My lighting may be slightly limiting. I switched one of the flowering lights over to BMJ to focus on her. The space is definitely small, even for just two plants!
  11. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Just fertilized today. Still trying to get a read on sexing LMJ. Definitely have hairs on a couple of flowers, but maybe balls are forming on the others. Can't take detailed enough pics yet. Hopefully, I don't have a hermie.
  12. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    These two plants look nothing alike. BMJ (pics 1 and 2) has long, spaced branches where the flowers developing, and LMJ (pics 3 and 4) is more dense and thicker branches. I can barely see hairs on LMJ, and BMJ is full of them. I'm starting to wonder if they're the same strain. Any ideas?
  13. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Can I clone a plant that's started flowering?
  14. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    I saw a couple of hairs on LMJ!! Two confirmed females, which is all of that I have room for in my growbox. I took out the shelf, which was supposed to give my a little veg/clone room, but I'm not cloning and I need the vertical height. Now I can let the ladies grow to their hearts content.
  15. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    I started flowering on June 10. I'm now using four 2700K 42W CFLs, and 1 6500K 42W CFL to fill out the spectrum. Last night, I watered and fertilized full strength using the flowering nute combo with Pura Vida. Still no sign of sex on LMJ (pics 3 and 4). How long before I see signs? I don't...
  16. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Thanks for the support and help!
  17. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Fertilized on Day 37. Need to get out and buy some 2700K bulbs for flowering. I'm going to flower all three plants. The younger plant is only 3 weeks old, but due to my vacation schedule, I can't continue vegging past the next couple of days to get the full 56 days of flowering.
  18. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    Thanks. I'll flower next week, and chuck out LMJ if she turns out to be a he. Do you see any issues with the browning of some leaves?
  19. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    They are about 1-2" above. I just took the ladies out of the box for a photo shoot.
  20. 3underpar

    First Grow - CFL

    First, I don't see any hairs or balls on LMJ. It's been about 9 days since I was able to see hairs on BMJ. LMJ has been more stunted since the start, so maybe this is normal (pic 6). Because I'm taking vacation in mid August, I need to start the 56 day flowering cycle soon. I read that you...