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  1. tebor

    The Dedication Thread

    dedicated to my ex-girlfriends ncl7New1czM
  2. tebor

    Seen the commercials looking for your gold?

    You cant eat gold. invest in a self sustainable farm instead and some ammo to protect it the only thing worth anything in the PAW is food.
  3. tebor

    Prozac, any use?

    Definitely not a recreational drug. If your a pill popper, stick to benzos and opiates. Also pprozac is a ssri, and could lead to serotonin syndrome if taken w/ some other recreational drugs.
  4. tebor

    methylone injections

    Very true. doing it is dangerous and careless. posting it on a forum is irresponsible and dangerous. Anyone reading should not try this. But im guessing anyone with common sense will not try it.
  5. tebor

    Growing My Own Cocain Plants.

    yes, I edit wikipedia often. but only when I can link a credible source. like the one from in my last post. which itself got its info from studies by Johns Hopkins University and University of Michigan. So I didnt make up the percentages, John Hopkins University U of Michigan did...
  6. tebor

    Anyone reading?

    Bukowski is cool as hell. the movie where Mickey Rourke played him was way better than the Matt Dillon one. He's so cool Modest Mouse wrote a song named after him. xr_B2IOUYSw I'm currently reading 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions'. a small book, but interesting.
  7. tebor

    Iran Update...

    A relevant quote from Brigadier General Smedley Butler "I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for...
  8. tebor

    CIA takes a hit in Afghanistan

    start a farm. you cant eat gold.
  9. tebor

    Growing My Own Cocain Plants.

    actually, 2 or 3 plants could provide me with all I want for a couple years. Marijuana is schedule 1, cocaine is schedule 2. when I was young I did coke with dozens of people, only 1 became an addict. several are like me,15 years later still use on occasion. Some people are genetically...
  10. tebor

    How to get a woman to shave the bush?

    anybody that doesn't like bush probably has a little pedophile in them.
  11. tebor

    Sorry, Vegans: Brussels Sprouts Like to Live, Too.

    5D8wSEHTbVk i cant beleive people eat mat or drink milk from the grocery store or fast food chains. When utters become infected and start producing puss which gets into the milk, the milk is still allowed to be sold to consumers. Nasty.
  12. tebor

    methylone injections

    its not about what your friend did as much as somebody reading it and repeating.
  13. tebor

    Shipping hash from Amsterdam to Berlin?

    I'm not sure. i thought Germany recently passed a law allowing a few grams. Am I wrong? My memorys do get crossed.
  14. tebor

    Shipping hash from Amsterdam to Berlin?

    I went strait through with no problem. No searches i only had a few grams though and kept it close and ready to eat.
  15. tebor

    Shipping hash from Amsterdam to Berlin?

    I carried weed on train from amsterdam to paris to Frankfurt to koln and back to Amsterdam with no problem. maybe i was lucky, but i never saw a dog. on the train or in the stations.
  16. tebor

    methylone injections

    what if you tell someone how ugly their baby is?
  17. tebor

    Favorite Tripping Movies

    I knew Suelou was but didnt know bones was.
  18. tebor

    Rc sample pack

    but will it arrive safely?
  19. tebor

    Growing My Own Cocain Plants.

    The speed with which a given individual becomes addicted to various substances varies with the substance, the frequency of use, the means of ingestion, the intensity of pleasure or euphoria, and the individual's genetic and psychological susceptibility.
  20. tebor

    Growing My Own Cocain Plants.

    not true at all. misinformation is harmful. I provided 2 links to studies that support the statement iits not the impurities. its the inconsistency in purity. one batch being much stronger than the last batch so people don't dose properly. I've used many drugs responsibly for years and have...