Search results

  1. Ali Haji Sheik

    Scarlette's First Grow

    Look at it as a learning experience - you'll be a master grower by the end of it, and will have a few nice bowls from it all. Yeah, my head stash is half-full. .. .
  2. Ali Haji Sheik

    PassIt's First SoG!!! Sour Diesle!

    What are you doing for enviro controls - heat, humidity, etc? thanks, and your girls look foxy!
  3. Ali Haji Sheik

    Scarlette's First Grow

    We could have a telethon! But on a serious note, it's good to see that at least some Tennessee dank made it through the tornados.. . .
  4. Ali Haji Sheik

    Scarlette's First Grow

    I'm a newbie, so sorry if I'm guilty of a thread jack, but have you given a thought to cloning? Your girls look great, and with cloning you know just what you're getting.
  5. Ali Haji Sheik

    Misty Strain: What do you know?

    6 week flower time, 70cm height, good yield and a super potent sativa high, all in an easy grow package! I will be very curious how this works for you! Keep us informed please.
  6. Ali Haji Sheik

    Original Haze

    Anyone ever grown this strain? I'm not sure what the background is, but it's an indoor strain from Fantaseeds, and supposed to be quite strong and relatively easy to grow.
  7. Ali Haji Sheik

    My hydro hut

    Looks great brother - one question: it looks like you used pvc pipe for the frame, but what sort of material did you use for the sides?
  8. Ali Haji Sheik

    First time grower: W Widow, Original Haze, Big Bud - comments welcome!

    First time grower here, and I'm looking for the wisdom of your experience here. My setup is as follows: 250w MH/HPS porta-growroom (hydrohut) 2'x2'x4' 175 cfm in-line, with carbon filter, and my speedster control is on its way. I'm doing a soil grow (ocean farm from Fox Farms). strains...
  9. Ali Haji Sheik

    which strain, potent, high yeild, cabinet grow?

    I'm a noob grower, but buddies have had good luck growing this - and we've all had good times smokin' it!
  10. Ali Haji Sheik

    Is there a way to make my inline fan quieter?

    Hey there - noob here, and I'm shopping for an in-line, probably a 4". I've got a mini-hydro hut and I'm wondering if some brands of fan are quieter than others. btw, love the insulation idea.
  11. Ali Haji Sheik

    Smallest Micro Grow Ever!!! Pics

    How do you handle ventilation in your setup?
  12. Ali Haji Sheik

    Smallest Micro Grow Ever!!! Pics

    yeah, AHS was the kicker back then. He was a shrimpy guy, and had one of those one bar facemasks, so you could see the look of pure terror on his face the three or four times a season he had to try to tackle someone.
  13. Ali Haji Sheik

    Smallest Micro Grow Ever!!! Pics

    I've spent tons - on cfl's, an aerogarden and all sorts of hare-brained, half-a$$ed schemes. All told, I'm prawly 1k into this, and my Fox Farms soil doesn't even arrive until tomorrow... .
  14. Ali Haji Sheik

    Smallest Micro Grow Ever!!! Pics

    I'm a first grow noob with a 250 mh/hps setup myself, but I think I came across some posts about LED's also being used. I think that they had a pretty low profile - critical in your setup, though I don't know what kind of spectrum they throw.
  15. Ali Haji Sheik

    Smallest Micro Grow Ever!!! Pics

    Interesting possible set up - I guess you'd go with a cfl light source?