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  1. Agonixx


    From my knowledge these little guys don't necessarily hurt the plants ?
  2. Agonixx


    Mosquito bits or gnatro not harmful for my plants ? Should I wait until they are a older, unfortunately this all happened at the worst time ! Little guys haven't even popped out of the soil yet !
  3. Agonixx

    Epsom salt?

    What are you trying to use Epsom for ! I have found great uses for this stuff !
  4. Agonixx


    Hello All! Just germinated my seeds and popped them into the pots to find little winged insects running around in my soil. So far to start I would not call it an infestation but none the less we don’t want any! If someone could leave some advice on handling these little buggers or a...
  5. Agonixx

    Firs time LST ( Day 18 )

    Purple haze
  6. Agonixx

    Firs time LST ( Day 18 )

    Good to hear for sure, at the end of the day I’m just looking to increase my yield. My last plants were awesome, taste good, smell good and yield was pretty good also! Just trying out LST for the first time to try and get some more beefy buds. ( if I don’t wreck them in the process)
  7. Agonixx

    Firs time LST ( Day 18 )

    Just wanted room for them to grow across further so I can really try to represent a bush rather then a tree
  8. Agonixx

    Firs time LST ( Day 18 )

    Hey everyone, just looking for pointers on LST. This is what I have going on not sure if this is correct? I’m thinking it looks okay for now I just have to pin them down lower when they grow out more. Any tips or links are appreciated. thank you :)
  9. Agonixx

    Harvest time?

    would April first be a good time to harvest?
  10. Agonixx

    Harvest time?

    Anyone willing to share some photos of there plants right before harvest so I have somthing to compare to? I’m worried I’ll harvest too early but I also don’t want to be late.
  11. Agonixx

    New grower here

    I’m just a newb but if I have any advice it would be to not overthink, go with the flow, do not use fabric pots and remember the that seedlings to weird things and can look funny before they finally take there real shape.
  12. Agonixx

    Harvest time?

    Noted thanks. Newb here did my research for up until flower wasn’t sure how long this was going to be !
  13. Agonixx

    Harvest time?

    Wondering what your guys thoughts on my first grow were? Also wondering much longer you until I harvest I predict like 2 weeks.
  14. Agonixx

    magnesium deficiency diagnosis ( 1 week update )

    It’s been awhile since my last post this is roughly 2 weeks after the original post. Comparing the original photos they for sure are way more filled out…. Burned tips still but most of the other issues seemed to have resolved.
  15. Agonixx

    magnesium deficiency diagnosis ( 1 week update )

    Onto tap water for sure next watering .
  16. Agonixx

    magnesium deficiency diagnosis ( 1 week update )

    Sorry all ass backwards here, confused myself had to re- read my own post. The 3.9 is the PH of the water with the nutrients in it. No ph up or down was used. The soil ph’s were in the 6’s yes.
  17. Agonixx

    magnesium deficiency diagnosis ( 1 week update )

    Okay understood, the 3.9 ph was the ph of the soil after a slurry test.
  18. Agonixx

    magnesium deficiency diagnosis ( 1 week update )

    microbial sup recommendation?
  19. Agonixx

    magnesium deficiency diagnosis ( 1 week update )

    I switched to 18/6 when I fed foliar last week.
  20. Agonixx

    magnesium deficiency diagnosis ( 1 week update )

    No absolutely not bad I didn’t think, and correct me if I’m wrong but I assume they will finish out and be okay most likely since there is prolly only 4 weeks or so left ? I just am kind of a perfectionist and I would like them to just be good and perfect which is near impossible on the first...