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  1. speedwell68

    Any complete soils?

    I am in the UK and the products available on there aren't the same as North America. I can get Fox Farms on Amazon UK, it is about the same as $100 a bag. I use a tomato feed called Tomorite, it is available all over the UK and is very popular. People use it for just about every type of plant...
  2. speedwell68

    Any complete soils?

    Nothing in particular. I don't know what is available where you are. But the simplest and best way of growing is to use a complete feed. Regular tomato feed is just fine in most cases.
  3. speedwell68

    Any complete soils?

    What is the problem with having to feed? Just get a complete feed.
  4. speedwell68

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Not in years. I have been tempted.
  5. speedwell68

    To flush or not to flush?

    What temperature water? Asking for a friend.:D
  6. speedwell68

    Tips curling

    That light sounds like it is a bit strong and a bit close.
  7. speedwell68

    To flush or not to flush?

    What I want to know is, when "people" talk about flushing chemicals out of the buds, what chemicals do they imagine are in the buds? Asking for a friend.:D
  8. speedwell68

    Seedling leaves curled and wrinkled

    Everyone fucks up from time to time. I am trying a new soil mix, not being used to the way it drains I over watered mine yesterday. It isn't a big deal, they will bounce back. I think yours might be a tad over watered.
  9. speedwell68

    Cal/mag deficiency don't go away/trichomes production good for her age?

    Can you adjust the brightness of the lights? For example, I have 4x150w LED @ 30% set at 60cm from the plants in veg. By the end of flowering they might make it to 80% @ 60cm, if I wanted 100% I'd have to lift them to 75cm. When I run Autos they never go above 60% @ 60cm, Autos don't seem to...
  10. speedwell68

    The World Cup is coming, are you ready for it?

    Being from the UK, specifically England, the World Cup is all we are going to hear about for the next month or until England get knocked out. I come on websites like this to avoid the sodding World Cup.
  11. speedwell68

    Sf-4000 light burn

    I get light stress if I am not careful. I am happy not to have to run my lights at full power, saves electricity and elongates the life of the light.
  12. speedwell68

    What is your #1 goal as a grower?

    Just to have some decent weed.
  13. speedwell68

    How many plants do you grow in your tent?

    Why do you care so much? Is someone really going to get less weed because of a few stickers?
  14. speedwell68

    Are these ready yet??

    You need to get all of those dead leaves off the plant. They are a one way trip to bud mould city.
  15. speedwell68

    Deficiency? Chlorine from tap water?

    I do the same with a 1000L hot tub. The water is super chlorinated and it makes no difference.
  16. speedwell68

    Light schedule interruption

    It won't make any difference. At a week after flip your plants won't have really started flowering yet, they can throw out pistils before flowering starts. If it had been prolonged it might have screwed things up. Literally every experienced grower on here will have had a timer screw up from...
  17. speedwell68

    When should I use nutes on a 4 week old plant that was just transplanted with a 15% perlite and a mix of happy frog and ocean forest

    I have no experience of Fox Farm products, but have been led to believe they are fairly rich. I'd let the plants tell me when they need it. For veg I would use a generic bottled fertiliser and start using it at 50%.