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  1. M

    RIS - On-going grow log

    Yes, I move them around to get them as much light as possible.:leaf:
  2. M

    RIS - On-going grow log

    Right on brother! Are you in soil?
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    RIS - On-going grow log

    Here's a current pic
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    RIS - On-going grow log

    How's the girls progress?
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    RIS - On-going grow log

    Sick bro, I will be watching your progress! :hump::peace:
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    RIS - On-going grow log

    Mites are ruthless, I moved them outdoors and blasted them with water twice a day and my leaf blower at night. No that they are flowering I hit them 2-3 times a day with the leaf blower. I swear it seems to be working. Anyway, best of luck with your grow brother. It has kind of turned into an...
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    RIS - On-going grow log

    I agree, my first grow and I got them in my tent. I think they were in the soil ffof, my friend gave me 3 clones and had no issues but he grows in some coco mix. He is experienced and I am not. It was devastating to see my first grow turn to shit. I nuked and sprayed. They laughed
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    RIS - On-going grow log

    I had yellow leaves kind of like that it was the dreaded mites. Nightmare
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    RIS - On-going grow log

    is that deficiency or pests on that plant? A lot of yellow
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    what is this strange thing?

    I saw the chupacabra when I crossed the frontier to the US. No joke..mayve that was a coyote dressed as one ? bongsmilie
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    what is this strange thing?

    its dead
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    what is this strange thing?

    Thanks Apache! I never see anything now until this blob..?
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    what is this strange thing?

    I snip off a few random leaves off each plant every few days (defoliate?) and check them under my scope. I hit them twice a day with my leaf blower to keep them bastards in check.
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    what is this strange thing?

    3 plants
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    what is this strange thing?

    They look fairly healthy IMO.
  16. M

    what is this strange thing?

    I scope daily random leaves and that is all I have found
  17. M

    what is this strange thing?

    its outdoor , Going to blast the shit outa it
  18. M

    what is this strange thing?

    Scoping leaves today and saw this.
  19. M

    Month more?

    Yes very light, I know I had nitrogen issue and I flushed and haven't added anything but a weak amount of Morrbloom since. Thanks
  20. M

    Month more?

    WW auto, any thoughts on how far along this is before harvest? Thanks