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  1. T

    Run off for coco/ perlite 70/ 30

    From what I believe with blumats if you have enough pressure from your reservoir and have the carrot deep enough larger pots may need multiple or multiple different size carrots and a bigger ratio of perlite to coco I can't reference how much because I've not had chance to test this theory out...
  2. T

    Run off for coco/ perlite 70/ 30

    Yes I have a controller for my radiator and dehumidifier which I'll set up this wkd I have a great extractor too but had it turned down because I needed the temp higher but I've turned it up now that the humidity is climbing I currently have a oil radiator in the same room the tent is in but...
  3. T

    Run off for coco/ perlite 70/ 30

    Also I have done it as a proper scrog just got set back and I know I should of had them closer to the net but like I said had a nightmare lol
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    Run off for coco/ perlite 70/ 30

    Yes I know I've actually thinned it out loads about 5 days ago but looks more packed now than then so will go through them again this wknd will be putting my dehumidifier in and adding another fan below I've had loads of problems with pests at the start from the clones I got but that's sorted...
  5. T

    Run off for coco/ perlite 70/ 30

    Well I'm not expert currently got back into it after years off and your right about the colder temps with the slow dry back but from what I believe it's not as simple you need to look at the vpd because you can have high temps and high humidity and if the humidity is too high that will interfere...
  6. T

    Run off for coco/ perlite 70/ 30

    At the moment I can only hand water but in the future I will be setting up an auto feed I've got some bluemats so was going to do some with blumats some on a timer and pump and hand feed one just to see the results also I've read that you need to lower the ec with multiple feeds but I believe it...
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    Run off for coco/ perlite 70/ 30

    Also I'm in uk so it's different measurements struggling to find a correct conversion at the moment I'm watering 2litre at the moment
  8. T

    Run off for coco/ perlite 70/ 30

    (Forgot to mention im in uk) So I'm just wondering how much people water to get their 20% run off I realise things can change the outcome like how wet it is at the time of watering and depending if the plant is root bound or not but I'm just after a general idea I can't check at the moment with...
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    Scrog 4x4 led

    Sorry forgot to upload done it now Done
  10. T

    Scrog 4x4 led

    Couple more pics the ones with necrosis if that's right can only find on 2 leaves and the leaves with bits missing can only find on a couple but I was feeding very high and like an idiot used the wrong calmag instead of the one without nitrogen
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    Scrog 4x4 led

    I'm about 2 week from 12/12 under spider farmer sf 4000 in coco think I had a bit of lockout from too much nitrogen but I've been feeding less now also was using the wrong cal/mag that had nitrogen in but the colour has changed over past few days not as light green on top now but hard to see...
  12. T

    Question on ph in coco

    Ye I get you my water is 0.1 after filter I usually bring it up to 0.4 with calmag the one I've been using has nitrogen in too at 14% so going to switch to my other one without it but when doing multiple feedings should I lower that or do a separate feeding for the calmag
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    Question on ph in coco

    Thanks where would you start with testing a lower ec with three feedings would you use your original ec and divide by three and take note of any changes
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    Question on ph in coco

    I'm in 12/12 now and my lights come on at 7pm I need to hand water for now when would you suggest doing a second watering also I remember reading to not water just before lights out is this correct if not I could water at 6am or do you think would be better at say 11 to 12 pm
  15. T

    Question on ph in coco

    Thanks and for lockout I was meaning from an excess of a certain nutrient not from ph
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    Question on ph in coco

    I've been doing abit of reading on it and it definitely can effect the ph so I'm guessing you could then use the previous input ph and the current input ph and run off ph to help see if there is a lockout but I'm guessing that might highly depend on the element that's being locked out and the...
  17. T

    Question on ph in coco

    So I've got a scrog going and the pots are all in a 4x4 tray so hard to check on the ph of the run off but my ph stays stable in the reservoir can I assume that it will stay reasonably stable in the pot or could the uptake of certain elements like an abundance of one in the plant and lockout of...
  18. T

    Whats peoples thoughts on this site over the years

    People that have been here for years would you say the site has changed much I've not been on for like 8 years and not currently been on enough recently to gage the difference but does seem different on here compared to then just wondering what other people's opinions are
  19. T

    Led scrog

    2nd day in 12/12 just tucked everything and did bit of lollypoping using a spider farmer sf 4000 in a 4x4 in coco/perlite next time I will make the holes bigger these are 2x2 inch the second screen will be 4x4 growing wedding cake