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  1. Moabfighter

    Clearwater Genetics

    Purple flavonoid had 19 seeds however the devil driver seeds appear much larger and less quantity but I’m not complaining. Clearwater is a dark horse in the seed game. Surprisingly good, in fact for the price point I’d say maybe even amazing genetics.
  2. Moabfighter

    In House Genetics Thread

    This is what happens when you grow an 8 foot tall, 4foot wide plant. Flip earlier than you’d think in hydro, folks. Slurricane by inhouse genetics and I’m not proud of it. Plenty of buds but stupid long “legs” so long they’re bending out of shape like a umbrella falling over. Sucks man. too...
  3. Moabfighter

    Clearwater Genetics

    7-8 days after cutting off mothers and sticking in rock wool a few good thick tap roots start coming out the sides. Then smaller ones.
  4. Moabfighter

    Clearwater Genetics

    I’m not very familiar with EC, so I can’t offer much opinion. The “lead grower” I work under has a masters in horticulture and absolutely loves cannabis so I can’t question him really. This may be a high EC but I can’t say anything. It seems to work for us, not to say we couldn’t improve, but we...
  5. Moabfighter

    Clearwater Genetics

    I grabbed purple flavonoid and devil driver s1
  6. Moabfighter

    Clearwater Genetics

    Sorry, I meant 2.46EC. Above. Thriving clones under this regimen. Later on we up the EC and PH more to like 5.75 and 2.75. Then 5.79 2.79.
  7. Moabfighter

    Clearwater Genetics

    Wish my cuts would’ve rooted. Did it exactly like we do at a multi million dollar medical facility. PH, 2.60EC, rockwool, dip in hormone, dome, all 4 never rooted and died. Fuck it.
  8. Moabfighter

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Well. I picked the wrong day to check back into this thread, apparently.
  9. Moabfighter

    Everything MMA Thread

    Guys gonna be there for a few days if he’s waiting on Nate to piss two liters lol
  10. Moabfighter

    Athena Ag Nutrients

    Their bloom seems to have some quality control inconsistencies. Sometimes the bags will be bright white sometimes they’ll have a yellow hue like the core is colored. Kind of odd. I’d like to try running them at home. Very good nutes
  11. Moabfighter

    GF tried to kill my plants (also question abount heavy branches)

    I’d leave her. Cannabis isn’t that hard. You can write down your regimen, have her check PH and PPM, if she follows said notes, it’s easy. my ole lady is just as good at feeding as I am, and we are neither anything special. It’s just about following the process. Trust the process. It’s not hard.
  12. Moabfighter

    Ethos Seeds

    Grandpas stash r3 by ethos. Man I gotta get in there and hit the defol heavy. Like the plant though. Wish it wasn’t so leafy.
  13. Moabfighter

    Athena Ag Nutrients

    They were supposed to send me some stuff a few months ago. Never got anything unfortunately. We use Athena at work and it’s absolutely top of the line IMO. I’m on nutes at work and mix this stuff every day. Core is easy to mix, bloom is hard as a rock, grow isn’t too bad. Quality of product...
  14. Moabfighter

    Clearwater Genetics

    Got ‘em. Let’s see if I can root them…..
  15. Moabfighter

    bodhi seeds

    Heads up the black triangle is leafy as fuck. I don’t know if it’s because we are slightly behind schedule or what but man….. it’s a fuckin jungle that table is. I’ll get more pics tomorrow. Slightly dreading the defol on Black Triangle but it’ll be alright. Have a good evening folks.
  16. Moabfighter

    In House Genetics Thread

    Thank you. I wish I had cloned this one. I also can appreciate the stacking trait. If I could run this Slurricane again, id veg less time and somehow spread the branches out. Don’t have a trellis net. I always wondered why people bothered with those but from work and now at home I can see why...
  17. Moabfighter

    Cannarado genetics

    I appreciate the information. I know very little about the deep down process of how cannabis works, the only way I can explain being “surprised” is because of how often I’ve encountered herms. It’s uncommon for me, and I learned more from your post than I’ve learned in a long time. Surprised...
  18. Moabfighter

    Cannarado genetics

    I’m not complaining as much as I am just surprised. Again, I’ve only found a herm once or twice at home. These plants are micro plants in comparison to my hydro ones, and I ran these “just to see what they’d do” and 1/4 was pure herm. I’m watching The other three closely now. Only have one...
  19. Moabfighter

    Seed Junkie Genetics

    We’ve been having some problems at work man…. Plants are acting weird in some rooms. We recently got the animal mints bx from seed junky. Very interesting information.
  20. Moabfighter

    Ethos Seeds

    Ehhh take my opinion with a grain of salt…. Better off finding a buddy on Instagram or on here who can provide you with the strains from multipass that you strongly desire. If you have a lot of money…. Sure man that’s fine get the multi pass. But when the price point started at what….500? I...