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  1. D


    Hello, yep that’s why I thought it was a silly question. 20/4 lighting Temp ranges from 20-30 degrees Celsius Medium is 70% coco peat, 15% perlite, 15% vermiculite. Humidity about 50% but fluctuates a bit. These are the mites which I’ve been giving half strength twice a week. Watered with water...
  2. D


    Hello, thanks for the reply?. What do you mean “ cut it down” as in harvest? Or topping? Cause I’m not gonna top them…. ThNks again
  3. D


    Hi everyone, update on my first autoflower grow. Really appreciate everyone’s input. sugar cookies And pineapple ex 27 days in all temps and humidity are correct, ph as well. Under a 600 watt hps 2ft from canopy. Have done some more lst, this morning and they seem to ok. Would love to here...
  4. D


    Hi everyone again, quick question. I know genetics and quality all play a part but should autoflower be going into flower after 3 anda half weeks? I have to other autos and they are still powering on in vege state in the same time frame…! And all same conditions…?
  5. D

    First time auto grow

    thanks again for your input…… This is the same seed but so much smaller…? Just bad genetics or what…..? All same conditions? Ah so small?
  6. D

    First time auto grow

    Hey, Thought I’d give you an update on the plants and get your feedback , (sugar cookies) this is the biggest plant the rest are 3/4 and half that size. Look forward to hearing your thoughts. They are 23 days old.
  7. D

    First auto Grow

    Wow, is that an autoflower ?
  8. D

    First auto Grow

    Thanks , here’s what I’ve done today…. Keep in mind I’ve never grown a thing in my life… They are 17 days old. let me know your thoughts. thus Is what I was told to do at this stage … but I’ve got no fucking clue. So many conflicting opinions….
  9. D

    First auto Grow

    Cheers mate really appreciate the feedback …. Really like the fact that the cannabis community help one another it’s really great…. Thanks again
  10. D

    First auto Grow

    Thanks very much for the feed back ….. appreciate it greatly. So I just leave it then…? Also should I start training it now or wait till it’s a bit bigger? Cheers again
  11. D

    First auto Grow

    Hi, it’s under a 400w hps indoors
  12. D

    First auto Grow

    Thanks for your reply , but is it meant to be doing that? Is there something wrong?
  13. D

    First auto Grow

    Hello Everyone, First auto Grow Pineapple Express. 16 days old. Can some please tell us bending in the stem normal. It’s happening on two of my 4 plants. All the same conditions! should I get some string and start training them strait….. Please note first time growing anything… Thanks for...
  14. D

    Little yellow spots

    Ok thanks
  15. D

    Little yellow spots

    Hopefully that helps, they’re only tiny bit noticeable… thanks for the help. I have a feeling I had the light to close at 2ft at 440watt dimmed hps
  16. D

    Little yellow spots

    here ya mate, thx for the help. they are only small but they are there! Any thoughts, I thought I might have the light to close ( 400w hps ) at about 2ft)
  17. D

    Little yellow spots

    Hi Everyone, very new to this. Growing my four auto’s Under 400 W HPS in Cocopeat with 15% vermiculite and 15% perlite. Ph is right, temp right. humidity maybe a tad hi at 70 They have been going good so far but have noticed tiny yellow spots on the end of the leaves on the tips can someone...
  18. D

    First auto grow

    don’t understand your last paragraph, sorry very new to this….
  19. D

    First auto grow

    it’s coco peat, I think it’s a bit different to coco. As I tried coco first and failed. that’s why I went to this medium .
  20. D

    First auto grow

    Really……? what do u think of the Nutes… I have no idea never grown a thing I my life. I thought they weren’t doing fantastic except the big one.