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  1. badtorro

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    hi Guys, thanks for all the good info you share here! :) I have a tent 3.2x3.2x6.5, it stands in a room @68F (20C) and is ventilated with 350m3/h extractor. I want to light it with 3x 3x CXB3070-0000-000N0HAB30G. I know only basics of electricity & I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall...
  2. badtorro

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    you prolly want to read some internet, I strongly suggest golden source of info in one place :)
  3. badtorro

    3x3 tent how much led light for 15 oz results

    thanks for input mate :) still researching this forum for diy leds I'm now @40day flowering with my current hps setup (modest 250W hid). Right after this is completed, I'd like to start up the next one, only this time with LED. So far I found 2 areas, where I need to improve the most: 1) get...
  4. badtorro

    3x3 tent how much led light for 15 oz results

    thanks guys, i run in organic soil it really hard to get a decent led light in europe, so I think I will go for diy led & Cree CXA3070 (COB) seems most reasonable way ($$$) bringing best results
  5. badtorro

    3x3 tent how much led light for 15 oz results

    I can grow only 2 plants (legal issue with more) The tent is 3.2x3.2x6.5 (100cmx100cmx200cm) Extractor 350m3/h target= 15 oz per grow the tent stands in a room @68F (20C) how much led light should i get? I suppose it should be equivalent to 600w hid?
  6. badtorro

    3x3 tent odor control issue

    exactly same issue here mate :-))))
  7. badtorro

    3x3 tent odor control issue

    Yeah, it's not a legal issue where I live. I just dont want everybody to know immediately, that I grow. Thanks for the tips guys. So my carbon filter is ok? this is normal?
  8. badtorro

    3x3 tent odor control issue

    I have a cooltube linked to 2 months old carbon filter and extractor blowing 24/7 (there's no other air extraction). I keep 2 extra smelly ladies in 5 week flowering. The carbon filter gets rid of 90% of the smell, but still I can smell fresh mj in the apartment. Any ideas? Honestly I was...
  9. badtorro

    Give me your 2 cents

    if she is in veg - get MH bulb. if she is in flower -don't top her ;-)
  10. badtorro

    help! my baby is out of control! :D

    thanks guys I'm watching her very closely & fortunately there is still few cm to go before the light starts burning. worst case scenario I will bend tops away from the lamp, to avoid the direct contact Next time I'm going to LST her starting early & the problem should resolved. My previous...
  11. badtorro

    help! my baby is out of control! :D

    howdy :leaf: Tonight I'm presenting my baby -she's grown a lil out of control and I seek your help :-) She doesn't show any symptoms of burn yet, but I'm afraid this is just a matter of time. Serious Seeds Bubblegum from (clone), flowering day 17. She doesn't seem to stretch much anymore...
  12. badtorro

    indoor 250w white widow cabinet 2nd grow 22 day into flowering

    hi guys this update flowering day 79 -,- I start to run out of weed & I feel like stop waiting for the plant to get ripe and start flushing her. Tomorrow or Sunday is the time of next watering & I have to make a decision by then. I also read that switching her from 12/12 to 13/11 could speed...
  13. badtorro

    AK48 coco grow, 1st try at scrog

    it looks excellent :-) great job man why don't you try some LST to control the stretch? the buds look awsome tho.. :)
  14. badtorro

    SHH! Don't tell my landlord I'm growing in my closet! (400 watt Apollo HPS in closet)

    nice thread man. I will definitely watch it! & show us the unboxing pics mate :D
  15. badtorro

    indoor 250w white widow cabinet 2nd grow 22 day into flowering

    yeah, with first grow I obviously made a lot of rookie mistakes & couldn't blame the plant. but this time.. mhm, I have a feeling this strain is crap & need to look for a better breeder. this is the last time I grow this strain, definitely not a keeper. Right after this one is over I got a...
  16. badtorro

    cooltube - reflector inside or outside vs temps

    Hi guys, I have a cooltube with metal reflector, that is on top of the tube. I notice how this piece of metal gets hot & I'm wondering: if I cut it & put it inside the glass, it would get ventilated together with the bulb & heat get nicely blown out of the cabbinet. That could help drop...
  17. badtorro

    1" Tall seedlings, can i give them anything?

    minimum first 3 weeks water only. no nutes, no nothing. the light is fine
  18. badtorro

    Heat Stress

    any temperature in typical environment should be survivable for the plant. it's weed after all. the reason must be something else, possibly triggered by heat. I doubt that it was heat only, that killed your plant.
  19. badtorro

    Does this look female?

    definitely a lady
  20. badtorro

    DonScroggins 250w OG Kush Bag Seed Journey✌

    this plant looks very heathy :) looks like you put a lot of effort in it. are you sure you want to go forward with this seed tho? Just think about it - the plant you got the seed from is probably hermie (healthy, unpollinated females don't produce seeds). This basically means it is very likely...