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  1. C

    Root aphids.

    Thank you.
  2. C

    Root aphids.

    Hello there, I have a big problem and don t know how to deal with it. I have root aphids. I am using a hydroponics drip system growing in pebbles. I saw some white dots in the reservoir. At the beginning I thought it s just dust but then I saw the small beasts crawling around. The infestation...
  3. C

    Girls are not feeling well.

    Really good article. Will try to lower the temp by moving the res away. Hope will win some
  4. C

    Ph and Watering

    Clay pebbles
  5. C

    Girls are not feeling well.

    The suggested rates are 2.5/10l and 5/10l. It is a very concentrate solution.
  6. C

    Girls are not feeling well.

    Back to the reservoir. I will try to water every 2h from now. Hpbe they get batter.
  7. C

    Girls are not feeling well.

    The temperature is around 21C.
  8. C

    Ph and Watering

    Helle there, Just ringing with 2 simple questions: I am using a drip hydroponic system and wondering what s your opinion about the ph of the water. I am very confused as a lot of people are having different opinions. I heard that the ph from veg is different as the ph of flowering. The second...
  9. C

    Girls are not feeling well.

    Hello family, I am dealing with a very strange problem. This growth I was very careful about everything. Ph, nutrients,temperature. Although my efforts the girls are not in a pretty good shape. The roots are brownish (not white) and they stoped growing. They are not dead but not alive too. I...
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    Girls are sick :(

  11. C

    Girls are sick :(

    Yes, it s the first time. I had before 9 wilma systems but got bored to check every one of them for ph and ec. Now i connectet all the wilmas and have just one reservoir. stil in Vg.
  12. C

    Girls are sick :(

    Should i mix the calmag with the vg nutrients that i am using ? ore just calmag with RO water ? The roots are coming out from the bottoms but they are not wite like before. They are brownish like.. The Ec before was around 1.0 1.2
  13. C

    Girls are sick :(

    I put in half of nutrients this time. I am with the EC at 0.6. I am using the nuts from canna. For the moment i am using Vg nutes. Do you thing i shoult put a small amount of calMag alssow ?
  14. C

    Girls are sick :(

    I forgot..I can change the lights from 400w to 600w. Do you think it will help ? or they need some time to recover in low light ?
  15. C

    Girls are sick :(

    Thank you very much Mike. Really pertinent. I will try to do so. I allready changed the watering schedule from 15min/3h to 15min/2h. Will scoom tomorrow from the reservoir and hand feed. Thanks
  16. C

    Girls are sick :(

    Hey guys, We are dealing with an issue and we are wondering if you can give us some help: we use a drip growing system, with a single reservoir for all the girls. We have a total number of 24 plants, which grow in pebbles. They ve grown normally for the first month and a half, but now they...
  17. C

    Problem with watering

    And in this case shoul we feed them just woth water? Or with water and a small quantity of nutes?
  18. C

    Problem with watering

    Hey guys, I m looking for your help for the second time. The girls in the pictures start to have sad leaves very fast after feeding them, as if they would love to be fed again. But when we check the pots, they are very heavy, as if there is still plenty of food for them. One of these days we...
  19. C

    Problem after flush

    I see! Well, we re going to take this into consideration in the future. I hope they are going to get better :( Thanks a lot for your advice!