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  1. C

    Tga December seeds indoor to outdoor

    They were planted straight into roots organic one month ago. Just transplanted them, I think they stunted a little late on the transplant by about a week I feel
  2. C

    Tga December seeds indoor to outdoor

    It was homemade using subcools recipe. I used roots organic potting soil as the base media and I originally mixed it together last April
  3. C

    Tga December seeds indoor to outdoor

    Thanks for the good advice. I'll plug em into 25 gallon pots filled with ffof and put them out in early March. I'll use the ss to brew teas for them maybe once or twice a week and after I harvest I'll transplant them into 45 gal pots with the ss on the bottem half and let them reveg and do its thing
  4. C

    Tga December seeds indoor to outdoor

    I'm interested in seeing if I can re use this soil and if I can pull of a spring crop at the same time. Water only is the way I want to grow I'm not sure a regular good potting soil will be hot enough to allow that
  5. C

    Tga December seeds indoor to outdoor

    Thanks for the input I followed subs recipe pretty much just changed it slightly by adding a box of down to earth vegan mix instead of the the single doses of the kelp and alfalfa meal and a bit more of the clam shells. I may just throw in another 2-5 pounds of bat guano and blood meal. I don't...
  6. C

    Tga December seeds indoor to outdoor

    I started 3 tga strains from seed on December 18th indoors under a t5. Conspiracy kush(5), cuvee(3) and jesus og(3). Im reusing soil from my outdoor summer crop last year to create new supersoil, I had 45 gallon pots filled around 1/3 full of supersoil the other 2/3 was roots organic potting...