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    What is this?

    My grow journal states that last watering those two plants were at 700-800ppm. Now one is at 620ppm
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    What is this?

    I just tested them. One is at 658ppm. The ph is 6.0
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    What is this?

    So I know the purplish is phosphorus deficiency. I flushed them mabe 3 weeks ago and began to give them fox farm trio. I give them half a dose every other feeding. I test them using my meter to see what the ppm are before feeding. I wait until there at 200 ppm until I feed. I dont get get what...
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    Retard droopy plant

    They dont have much runoff usually. I water them on a saucer, and dump extra runoff down sink. Thats the weird part.
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    Retard droopy plant

    320w. She is def. Stunted as well
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    Retard droopy plant

    I was busy yesterday, sorry guys. Im using fox farm happy frog, so it does have some perlite in it. They are in 3 gallon pots. I give them a gallon of water when I water them. I wait usually a week or a week and 2 days. No other plant had this issue before.
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    Retard droopy plant

    Don't really get this girl at all. She is an autoflower. Prob about 2 weeks ago she started showing signs of nitrogen toxicity. I flushed her like five days ago and she still doesn't look amazing. I never had a plant do this before. She was in the dark, so thats why she is so droopy. She is...
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    Nitrogen toxicity

    How would you go about fixing this? I gave it a slight flush last watering. I flushed mane 3 gallons through her. I wanted to see if I could get rid of some and not get rid of all tho. Clearly didn't work. Would you guys say to flush throughly, mabe like 10 gallons, then give nutrients? I have...
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    Nitrogen toxicity

    By why overwatering? I literally waited like 8-9 days for it to dry.
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    Nitrogen toxicity

    It has some spots which I think is calcium deficiency. Its drooping and has dark leaves. What you guys think
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    Does anything look wrong with her?

    Everything i done to her i done to the others. I transplanted once and topped them. I transplanted 2 weeks ago, and topped a week ago
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    Does anything look wrong with her?

    Dam thats strange why she's having issues. Im waiting a week until I water them at this stage. She had a similar problem last watering as well. She snapped back tho within a few days.
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    Does anything look wrong with her?

    Growing autos, and the one looks droopy sort of. The others are doing great tho. Its the one on the far right (D1)
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    Does she look over watered

    Scratch that. I just looked, that was not the plant watered 2x. So it can't be overwatering because she needed water when I repotted. Weird im gentle with my plants too. I squeeze the edges a bit to lose up and the come out. No shaking or any noobie mistake
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    Does she look over watered

    Ehhh it was Thursday I believe.
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    Does she look over watered

    What do you mean?
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    Does she look over watered

    I just transplanted her as well too, so ya
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    Does she look over watered

    I watered her, then reported her the next day and watered her like a dumb ass. Just gonna let her fully dry out ofcourse. She dont look bad tho.
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    When to top autos

    What week would you guys say to top?
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    Weird discoleration on leaves

    Idk it doesn't look like mold either. It never spread either to other plants. So idk. Thats the one thing I despise about growing, always problems . As soon as you figured it out, something else goes wrong