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  1. helluvagrower

    Losing Hope..Leaves Drying/Dying

    So just look into the sulfur on Amazon that you linked earlier?
  2. helluvagrower

    Losing Hope..Leaves Drying/Dying

    Thanks for the input didnt mean to come off as rude,just was my first time hearing about them..will look into though.
  3. helluvagrower

    Losing Hope..Leaves Drying/Dying

    I highly doubt its russet mites..
  4. helluvagrower

    Plants Are Drying/Dying Im Losing Hope :/

    Thanks and the light is already at the top of my tent..will give the repot a try though
  5. helluvagrower

    Losing Hope..Leaves Drying/Dying

    Thanks so much and im not trying to spam its just that everytime i post i dont get any direct answers/solutions this is actually the first time ive actually Received good advice
  6. helluvagrower

    Losing Hope..Leaves Drying/Dying

    Thanks so much everyone
  7. helluvagrower

    Losing Hope..Leaves Drying/Dying

    Once Every other day
  8. helluvagrower

    Losing Hope..Leaves Drying/Dying

    600w led growlight about 2 feet away..temps usually between 77-80 F
  9. helluvagrower

    Plants Are Drying/Dying Im Losing Hope :/

    600w grow light/temp usually 77-80 F
  10. helluvagrower

    Plants Are Drying/Dying Im Losing Hope :/

    Day 31 Of Grow First Time Grower MG Potting Soil I have used 0 nutrients only water/light 18/6 schedule Leaves are turning gray & tacoing.. Should i start using nutrients??because i having a bunch of issues..please dont bash im just looking for honest help please dont want to lose my plants.
  11. helluvagrower

    Losing Hope..Leaves Drying/Dying

    Day 31 Of Grow First Time Grower MG Potting Soil I have used 0 nutrients only water/light 18/6 schedule Leaves are turning gray & tacoing.. Should i start using nutrients??because i having a bunch of issues..please dont bash im just looking for honest help please dont want to lose my plants.
  12. helluvagrower

    Whats Wrong With My Plants??? [URGENT]

    Ok and what vitamins do you recommend
  13. helluvagrower

    Whats Wrong With My Plants??? [URGENT]

    I think it maybe k deficiency
  14. helluvagrower

    Tips of leaves turning brown and curling up/plants dying please help

    Is there anything that i can do to help it?
  15. helluvagrower

    Tips of leaves turning brown and curling up/plants dying please help

    What food would you recommend i just dont want to end up losing my plants
  16. helluvagrower

    Tips of leaves turning brown and curling up/plants dying please help

    Ive been told ive been told that its a potassium deficiency before i just havent been given a way to fix the issue.
  17. helluvagrower

    Whats Wrong With My Plants??? [URGENT]

    I know now lol first time grow so its pretty much trial and there anything i can do to fix??
  18. helluvagrower

    Tips of leaves turning brown and curling up/plants dying please help

    Day 26 of grow Problem has been ongoing for about a week and a half. Ive asked on the site before but to no avail. 600w bloomspect grow light Tap water Miraclegrow soil Tips of Leaves are curling upwards and slowly dying off i’ve had to cut off multiple of them.
  19. helluvagrower

    Whats Wrong With My Plants??? [URGENT]

    Day 26 of grow Problem has been ongoing for about a week and a half. Ive asked on the site before but to no avail. 600w bloomspect grow light Tap water Miraclegrow soil Tips of Leaves are curling upwards and slowly dying off i’ve had to cut off multiple of them.
  20. helluvagrower

    Brown Tips/Leaves Curling Upwards Day 15 PLANT DYING?? NUTE BURN?? (HELP NEEDED)

    Ok im going to try the flush out ill keep you updated thanks alot