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  1. SteezyAzizy

    Mixing Coco and Pro-Mix HP

    So I"m on my second cycle in my closet grow and a friend gave me a 3 week old clone in coco. The last run went super well with results that far exceeded my expectations. I grew them from feminized seed (OG Kush from Seedsman), in 7 gallon pots filled with only Pro-Mix HP. Can I transplant a...
  2. SteezyAzizy

    Mars Hydro TS-1000 - Whatcha Think??

    First cycle under the TS1000. I left for a 2 week vacation and didn't think the girl on the left would get any taller. Fortunately this light runs so cool that the main cola was just a couple inches away from the light and didn't get burned. I have the set up in a closet, 2*2*4 and heat isn't...
  3. SteezyAzizy

    First grow

    45th day into flower. Took a 2 week vacation and my friend let them dry out too much. The one on the left just exploded. Thank goodness I have an LED, rookie mistake.
  4. SteezyAzizy

    First grow

    Update! 15th day of flowering. Lots of fan leaves. Both plants still have their first 3 leaf set. Should I remove some?
  5. SteezyAzizy

    First grow

    Hey RollItUp! my first grow. 2*2*4 tent with a full spectrum Mars TS1000 150w 2, 5 gallon pots of ProMix HP growing Seedsman Feminised OG Kush. Bootanicare bloom + MagNiFiCal. Just upped to 650ppm, watering every other day. Base water comes out at 16ppm. Ph 6.1 in 5.9 out...
  6. SteezyAzizy

    No nutrients till this point with pics HELP

    Looks like a calcium deficiency I think. I feel it's an air flow issue as well. Either too much or too little.
  7. SteezyAzizy

    Any Point in Filtering Low PPM Tap Water?

    That's awesome. I found some pretty incredibly detailed information from my City on water content in every neighborhood. Seems like I have mostly calcium in the water at 4.5ppm. 1.5ppm Sodium and .15 of Magnesium. Chlorine is .19ppm low, .69 Average and a high of 1.9ppm I assume I should...
  8. SteezyAzizy

    Any Point in Filtering Low PPM Tap Water?

    So where I live in BC my tap water comes out at a super low PPM. Usually between 16-18 and a PH of 7. Is there any point in doing any sort of filtering?