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  1. evoman88

    A Wee Problem...

    Thanks! I'll be sure to grab a meter ASAP just to be sure and I'll cut down on the nut's so early. My next grow will be when I begin renting a house and have a basement so I'm going hydro to give it a try. I'll definitely need a meter then. :-P I've had them wilt once, this was yesterday. I...
  2. evoman88

    A Wee Problem...

    Well, I started using nut's about two weeks in and that was only half strength. A week later I bumped it to full strength. Unfortunately, I'm strapped for cash right now so I thought if I bought distilled water I could get away with not pHing. Guess I was wrong. I'll spring for a tester. I...
  3. evoman88

    A Wee Problem...

    So, my plants are about a month and a week old. I have five females, three white widows, one crystal and one ICE. Roughly about three weeks ago I began to notice some yellowing on the leaves and I thought nothing of it. It's progressively begun to get worse. At this point, the lower leaves on...
  4. evoman88

    Second time grower

    So, this is my first post here and my second grow over all. My fist grow involved three 100 watt cfl's (energy savers) and two plants, one turning out male. We harvested maybe a quarter ounce, if even, from the female. :-P My roommate and I figured we'd give it ago and needless to say I love it...