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  1. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    Sounds like a nifty tool to have. Might be something I will look into next season. I'm wanting to buy some seeds and have them sent to Aus. Where are you fellas sourcing your seeds from?
  2. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    Nah I haven't bought one but might get one over the weekend and look for cloudy and amber trichs.
  3. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    Yeah I might go another two weeks. Don't want to overbake them.
  4. TheGreenCrack

    Rez's outdoor grow down under 15/16.

    Great variety of plants dude. Where you buying seeds from mate?
  5. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    Thoughts? Not sure how much longer.
  6. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    My Big Girls at about day 47 of flowering. :peace:
  7. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    Wake and Bake!:bigjoint:
  8. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    I picked off a couple of catapillars the other day. Gave them a light spray with the organic catapillar killer and everything is fine. Today is feed day so going to give them a nice dose to bounce back from the heat the heat we had this week. bongsmilie
  9. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    The Rain stayed away last night and the temps are back down to 29 degree high today. Yesterday was an absolute stinker.
  10. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    I will keep this thread updated through harvest. First time growing weed and it's really fun. satisfying knowing your smoking your own home grown.
  11. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    I haven't got a tarp or anything to put over them. Hopefully the weather passes and it cools down. I will just let nature do its thing. My neighbours must love me.
  12. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    40 degree day and it's still 34 degrees at 9pm at night. Plants are getting hammered in this heat. The buds are getting so heavy I have had to tie it up and give it support. Lightning going on ATM and maybe a small storm tonight. Not what I need but the babies will survive.
  13. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    I found a few catapillars on my plants last week. Read a few of the threads about budworms and it made me a bit paranoid. Bought some organic catapillars killer today that's fine to spray on herbs and flowers. Anyone used this product on their plants?
  14. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    Well it's the weekend and thought I would post up a few pics of the babies soaking up the Southern Hemisphere sun. Gave them a good dose of nutrients this week and the buds are looking lovely.
  15. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    Another good product is Rooster Booster from Bunnings Warehouse.
  16. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    The best part about powerfeed products is you can't over do it. Plants love the shit.
  17. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    I got myself some of the Powerfeed in the pretty Purple bottle. Gave them a dose last night. Not much difference in the NPK mix to be honest. :bigjoint:
  18. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    i plan to pull them at the end of this month if they last another 22 days.
  19. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    Thanks Dude? Where are you located?
  20. TheGreenCrack

    Western Australia Flowering Week 6

    Yes both plants are in the same planter box. I picked it up for $50 from the local home improvement store. Wish I had if bout a few more. KETER is the brand of pot. Highly recommend.