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  1. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    Yeah that would make sense, anyway bought some proper nut for the next baby :cool:
  2. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    Thanks a lot! U know or suggest any European website that sells them? Or if not even american
  3. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    That's a good question! I ve one germinating right now, same one, I bought two. But not sure yet what to do... I grow for fun and just for myself, my main goal is to avoid buying it at all, so covering the whole year which means maximize crop with what I ve: a tiny little tent! I may...
  4. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    I ll check it out! Thanks again
  5. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    Definitely! And I love how u guys like to help each other, that's priceless!
  6. L

    What's wrong with her?

    I was actually hoping they to get a bit more fat but it does not seem they are going to, I ll try to do better next one..
  7. L

    What's wrong with her?

    These answers sound like music!! Thanks! How long u guys think? Considering that when checked during end of week 8 on the forum has been suggestd to wait week 10, and now I'm just two days before 10th week to start
  8. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    Thanks a lot, yeah first plant, panic is in the air! I was just mostly worried that it is light burn cause next time I ll use same setup and want to be sure I don't do same mistakes
  9. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    Okay guys thanks a lot so.. I don't have yet any jewelers loupe.. About the tablet cycle, i followed the guide on the website e, Veg tablet in 5 liter of water Veg tab: bloom tab...
  10. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    Thanks @Manguy I'm using vinegar mixed with water to bring it down.. But it's not really working as expected, it brings the pH down for few hours and than it goes back up to 7.. I'm testing it also in empty pots with virgin soil (which seems to be 7,5 by default)...same behaviour, brings it...
  11. L

    What's wrong with her?

    she is "Matilda" autoflower royal critic.. or maybe she was Matilda... :-( 2 days from 10th week, I stopped nutes 5 days ago, and giving just water.. Temp 24/28 Celsius, humidity 55 18 hours of light with a hydro mars 120w Since couple of weeks leaves are getting yellow and yellow, now some...
  12. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

  13. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    Hi folks, Okay now I'm more than worry! 2 days from the beginning of week 10, I stopped giving nutes 5 days ago and since then I'm giving just water. Some leaves now are drying out and the buds are changing colors, leaves close the buds are getting more black everyday.. the buds feel a bit...
  14. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    thanks thanks thanks! I ll wait then! Maybe I can consider to do multi step harvesting but just when u guys will think that she is ready! Will post new photos in few days! I just can't wait!!
  15. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    Ah as suggested I stopped with tablets and giving fresh water now..
  16. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    Hey guys hope u are enjoying your Sunday! I was thinking I ve always sent u photos with flash that may have messed up a bit with the colors of the buds! Attached the photo under the light with natural colors! I was thinking to cut the big main stem cause it looks quite ready so that the...
  17. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    Thanks a lot @Wattzzup @Moflow @Jimdamick! I will get proper nutes next time! Yeah fully agree! @Wattzzup u can find the tablet link in this thread, that's what I'm giving, following the schedule suggested in the instructions... should I trim the most yellow leaves to expose more the lower...
  18. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    @Wattzzup @Moflow @Merlin1147 @Jimdamick
  19. L

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    pH is back in the range. 6.8 after been a week between 7 and 8.. The plant now is in the 9th week, almost there, what u guysh think about the leaves that are getting really yellow? Should I do something? Why is that? Is it a lack of something or can it be because of the pH or is just getting...
  20. L

    First grow! Should I harvest?

    Thanks guys! Will do and can't wait!!!