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  1. NirvanaMesa

    To flush or not to flush

    Just search, you can read threads on this topic until your eyes bleed. Everyone has an opinion. Heres mine, you want to see the plants starting to lose the dark green in the leaves so theres not a lot of nitrogen left in the plant when its time to cure it. You can achieve that many ways. You...
  2. NirvanaMesa

    In House Genetics Thread

    Thats a cute tent. Did you buy it on amazon?
  3. NirvanaMesa

    8weeks in and plants living with spider mites

    Yes, vacuum the webs and egg sacks up very carefully. Are you growing indoors? Edit, nevermind I see you said grow room so I'll assume yes. If you plan to grow again right away just get some predator mites now and leave some of your plant in there even if you chop the main buds. The...
  4. NirvanaMesa

    8weeks in and plants living with spider mites

    Bro, throw some periods in your posts first off. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the mites, dont hose them off. And if you still have several weeks left in your grow order some predator mites, they will kill all the bad mites.
  5. NirvanaMesa

    In House Genetics Thread

    I must be getting old. I cant even understand half the shit you guys are writing or what you are on about.
  6. NirvanaMesa

    How Does Your Garden Grow??????

    What kind of melons you growin?
  7. NirvanaMesa

    Forbid Toxicity After Harvest.........

    Get some predator mites. Why you want to put poison on something you are going to smoke? Why do pot growers use so much bullshit on their plants?
  8. NirvanaMesa

    Rain water??????

    Your plants dont care if water has been sitting. They dont get stomach aches. Plants love pond water, fish shit, cow shit, sewage water, all kinds of shit that would make you sick.
  9. NirvanaMesa

    In House Genetics Thread

    Sluricane ix moved back indoors until weather clears up. nice shaped plant. I didnt top it or train it, Im going all natural with this plant.
  10. NirvanaMesa

    Rain water??????

    Absolutely, why not? It doesnt go bad.
  11. NirvanaMesa

    Rain water??????

    I use rain water and dont use cal mag. Decent fertilizer has enough cal and mag in it. We arent growing tomatoes. Low TDS RO water is pretty much the same as rain water. Its just water.
  12. NirvanaMesa

    In House Genetics Thread

    I got a sluricane ix seed going and just put it outdoors to flower 2 weeks ago. Its starting to flower now. Should be done by June. I have it in a 10gal pot with half coco and half potting mix and doing organic fertilizer.
  13. NirvanaMesa

    PLEASE HELP ME! Possible root rot, taco leaves

    They probably need some fertilizer too if you havent yet.
  14. NirvanaMesa

    PLEASE HELP ME! Possible root rot, taco leaves

    Looks fairly normal to me. The new leaves are just taco shape until thry get large enough to fan out from the pics. Roots look great.
  15. NirvanaMesa

    Photoperiod and lattitude

    Its been 8 days from going from 18hrs to 14hrs of light per day and my plant is now showing female flowers. Ive got more plants inside under 20/4 and am going to veg those another week or two and drop them outside at 14hrs. If all goes well, I get June weed and October weed. I could probably...
  16. NirvanaMesa

    Distilled vs RO vs tap

    Lucky man, my well water is 600ppm and PH 8. But I have an RO system and catch rain when I can.
  17. NirvanaMesa

    Distilled vs RO vs tap

    Good lord! A nice RO unit is around 200$
  18. NirvanaMesa

    please help

    Flushing dirt absolutely leaches salts away. That pic was taken when I did the flush and plant was harvested a few weeks later. Yeah its not like fushing perlite or hydroton but you can definitely do a reset on your soil with water. Its best to use warm rain water to disolve and rinse out...
  19. NirvanaMesa

    please help

    Heres a pic of my plant I just harvested a few weeks ago. Its in plain potting soil in a 15gal pot. I only fertilized a bit when making the soil. And then a couple teaspoons of bloom fertilizer in flower. I never measure the PH of anything or the ppms or measure the soil wetness. All I did...