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    Chopping the very starting leaves

    There three weeks old
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    Chopping the very starting leaves

    So I had 4 autos and two of them had there very starting spikey leaves droop for about a week. Everything else is fine just those very first leaves. I trimmed both off, and on my others as well. Do you think this was a problem?
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    How long do they grow?

    I just switched to my more powerful light though. Do you think it would be safe to go from a 100 watt lamp to a 320 watt lamp? Thats why I was going up slowly
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    How long do they grow?

    I got a 320 watt. I have it at 22 inches dimmed to 30,000 lumens. Each day im bumping the lumens up by 3,000 until it gets to the max which reads at 40,000 at 22inches away from tip of the tallest one. Week 4, I think I will try to add my kingled
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    Im hoping for an ounce a plant. My goal was 2-3, but that doesn't look like thats gonna happen except the ones thats are 3 weeks old. They may not even get that, but as long as I beat my last grow of one ounce for two plants I will be happy. My first grow was 15 grams for three plants (ya that...
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    Ya. Hey I cant send my seeds back now. I just got to finish these. I think I will continue autos even after these. I got to get good at one to get to the other if I want to. I just wander how bad is it if it flowers at 2 weeks and 3 days. I know it definitely isn't good, but does anybody have...
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    How about we get back to answering my question. If you aren't here to help, then I don't know why your commenting. Im not doing another post.
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    Transition to Flowering Question

    If you really want another then go for it. I def. Wouldnt
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    Definitely, thats why I'm on here. When did I ever say I have mad skills. All im saying is photos are a little easier in my opinion do to there longer grow periods which allow for some mistakes. I am not claiming to have skill. I am claiming to be a student.
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    1 seed 2 seedlings

    About a pound
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    Autoflower flower at 2 weeks and 3 days

    What is your guys experience with this? I have feeling it was do to transplant shock since he was a bitch to get out off. Never grow in ceramic, check. Its a gelatto from seed stockers. I know the normal flowering time is 3-4 , and understand that the plant won't get as tall as he should nor get...
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    Do you have experience with autos
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    If I get one that isn't an auto i may be able to put him in my closet possibly. I only got them in 2.5 gallon pots. I just think auto take more skill because the room to make errors is very slim, plus you got to start them in a big pot or atleast do one transplant. One thing I learned is autos...
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    Who is they, the squad. My squad of plants
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    I know, all im saying is i chose autos for them being quick and at this point stuck with them for now which I'm not complaining. If you can grow an autoflower good, you should have no problems growing a photo. i think there is more skill with autoflowers. Like I said i got 8 seeds left i think...
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    Do you think they could pull an ounce or two per plant
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    They each pull me an ounce i will be a happy clam. Im hoping bett They are still quicker. This is the path I decided to take, so might as well learn this path. Hey atleast I didn't kill 12 plants this time
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    Its more of time. Would i rather wait 6 months or 3 months. At this point I have 8 autos left so might as well plant them. Im learning each time I do it. My dreams are to be an auto master
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    Autoflower going into flower at 2 weeks??

    You fucker you jinxed me. Just look at my auto gillato that is 2 weeks and 3 days old and he started to flower. Fuck
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    Plants at 3 weeks old

    I got 2 that are three weeks, one three weeks tom., and the smallest guy is three weeks on thursday.Thursday. there a little small, and the gelatto which is the youngest i just noticed started to flower . That is a disappointment. Anybody have success with a premature flowering auto?