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  1. LordEnki

    slightly droopy, twisting leaves of seedling

    thanks Bob... i figured watered a bit too much before transplant... had hoped they would bounce back once in 5 gals, but they haven't. that pic is a few days old. they are worse today. saw small brown spots yesterday and now the spots are bit worse. my light...
  2. LordEnki

    slightly droopy, twisting leaves of seedling

    is this over watering, heat related or possibly too much light?
  3. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    i can see the light being too intense. its a 480w fixture on max, but its 40 inches above the plants. guess ill dim it a bit and get a small heater for now.
  4. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    I noticed 2/3 plants have droopy, slightly twisted leaves.... before transplant... was this possibly an over watering issue while in the solo cup? temps hold steady at 76, so I cant see it being heat related... :confused:
  5. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    5 gal/19L
  6. LordEnki

    best advertisement ive seen on public transit lately:

    i love Canada! :bigjoint:
  7. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    out of their cups and into their homes. double cup worked great. hopefully all is well with them.
  8. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    maybe ill try directly into 5 gal with one on next run.
  9. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    my bad... was confused :eyesmoke:
  10. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    do you mean that some people leave the 2nd solo cup attached when transplanting?
  11. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    Good day Oldie. thanks for your input. Im glad to hear a lot of others cut their solo cups too. ive got 1 bag happy frog left, so im using for seedlings and then to mix with ocean forest in final pot.
  12. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    here they are at 10 days from sprouting. hopefully they take off soon. transplanting tomorrow or Friday when i get the time, i think.
  13. LordEnki

    Anyone in the states ordered from Herbies since COVID?

    im in canada.... ordered October 26 and it took just about 4 weeks due to covid-19. recieved order end of November. fair enough. i keep reading about herbies orders being stopped by American customs, though. maybe pay the extra for their stealth option?
  14. LordEnki

    Moby dick auto

    what size air pots are u using?
  15. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    i had lowered my light to within 18inches and dimmed to 50W but the temp quickly dropped to 65 and stayed there, so back to 480W and about 40 inches away. temp back to a steady 78. theyre going to be 24/0 for their life i think.
  16. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    7 days after being sown:
  17. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    im not impatient.... just excited, i think. lol
  18. LordEnki

    First Grow Autos

    wow... seedlings are super boring. everything is done. few more days of waiting. kills me. lol
  19. LordEnki


    I also have a 4x4 tent to grow in and I spent about $1000 CAD for my led light... and im still not sure if its going to be enough. dont waste the cash now, just to spend more in a few months. save and spend a bit more. imo