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  1. swiftkillpapa

    My organic super soil

    Doc can I ask how you learn your stuff. Mine's from people like you and the internet and some books. I just feel like I'm never sure if what I knows is accurate. Like the grain once you said I shouldn't have put it in I was like shit I knew I was over zealous about it. I just need years of...
  2. swiftkillpapa

    My organic super soil

    I know greensand takes the longest but it's more for when I use it on veggies. And everything outdoors and California is in a drought. So I'm attempting to use as much water retaining stuff. So I should ask if you have any additives to help that, if greatly appreciate that. Back to greensand...
  3. swiftkillpapa

    My organic super soil

    Because peat has a higher cation exchange and studies have shown that it grows better and stronger than coco. The difference is specifically environmental. Coco is renewable bc it's a byproduct of an industry that didn't kill the trees it grows for coconuts so they slays have some. As for peat...
  4. swiftkillpapa

    My organic super soil

    The lbs are based on 3 cups per pound. With crab meal alfalfa being more like 4 per. I went on the double subcools bc his is about 100 gallons mine's double that. Tbh I'm worried it's not enough
  5. swiftkillpapa

    The Rev’s vs Subcool’s Super Soil

    I dig it. And this is about the soil bc the leaves produce what the roots feed the microbes while the microbes feed the roots. Everything connects. Butchyboy what book taught you that?
  6. swiftkillpapa

    The Rev’s vs Subcool’s Super Soil

    Thanks man. Helps a lot. So only have a few questions mostly bc I really just don't know and the vague ideas I do have make me wonder. Certain stresses cause plants to do certain things right? Different hormones for different actions on and around the plants. Does taking some leaves, normal...
  7. swiftkillpapa

    The Rev’s vs Subcool’s Super Soil

    I use defoliation on my tomatoes and I like the results but I'm hesitant on my bud plants. My tomato plant if like 7 feet high now on a trellis with the bottom 3 feet with nothing but tomatoes. No branches or leaves. I do it once a month and take off everything but the top 3 to 5 leaves on each...
  8. swiftkillpapa

    The Rev’s vs Subcool’s Super Soil

    Sorry I'm late to the party love the thread. Working on getting through teasing with microbes but I'm a poor reader. If only audible had it. I also have teaming with nutrients waiting after. I made a soil mix for tlo but from hearing y'all talk you'll hate mine. I went with diversity over...
  9. swiftkillpapa

    I just read your entry about water absorbing polymers. I wanted to know if the water beads at...

    I just read your entry about water absorbing polymers. I wanted to know if the water beads at floral shops are the same as those for agro. use because the florist shop is a lot cheaper than the hydro stores. I'm assuming is just have to find out what type it is
  10. swiftkillpapa

    My organic super soil

    I made a super soil recipe .I've made it for my garden at home in a smaller batch for my tobacco but this time it's fo realz. Anyway I just wanted some feed back for additions or redunduncies. I want the most diverse but least impacting and organic. And I want it to be only compost tea (aact)...
  11. swiftkillpapa

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    He has a newer one he posted on one of his YouTube videos. I'll look to see if I can find it again. But he took out rock phosphate because he didn't believe it made a difference. He also added crab meal, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, and I think the other was oyster shells but I'd have to revisit my...
  12. swiftkillpapa

    Organic soil led grow

    I must inform this threat I started of the news. After attempting so long to tolerate the person I was growing with, I could not any longer. His rude immature and complete neglect for the well being of the grow and it's future has led me to throw my arms up and say fuck it and walk away. I...
  13. swiftkillpapa

    24 hr PC Grow Box

    That shits dope. I'll watch this grow. In your opinion, what kinda yield do you look at in one of those.
  14. swiftkillpapa


    I can agree but it's the high of creating something I like. I build my own soil. Supersoil from Subcool was my first taste of it all back when I was 18. Hammer21 I'd like to pm you but I just started using this site for more than nightly reading and I'm not sure how. I'd like to rack your brain...
  15. swiftkillpapa


    So then your point is. It has it's ups and downs it's just a matter of simplicity and effectiveness. It's far easier to do a dwc that has the same results. Why mess with something that complicates everything. But if that is your intention, know that I personal am just looking to have the...
  16. swiftkillpapa


    If I would have yes. But that's what I have you for. To tell people in your condescending way that your always right. But I'm sure you always are. So if you don't mind where did you get all your knowledge from in the matter? Did I just miss something on their page? Have you used aeroponics? You...
  17. swiftkillpapa

    wtf is wrong with this fluffy stuff

    Interesting. Makes me think I just got dealt a bad hand and didn't compensate for it. Bummer
  18. swiftkillpapa

    wtf is wrong with this fluffy stuff

    Wouldn't you expect them to dense up having so much light energy and that they're at the top?
  19. swiftkillpapa

    wtf is wrong with this fluffy stuff

    Wait explain that again... You got the same effect in the cold bottoms and hot tops by the light?
  20. swiftkillpapa

    wtf is wrong with this fluffy stuff

    But you never found what caused it?