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  1. Soliyah

    iron deficiency or sun burn?

    I have it in baccto potting soil, this is my second grow and the first time I've used this soil, and I don't know know the purity or ph of the water i haven't gotten another test pen since the first one i got was defective but always used my tap water on my other plant and I haven't had any...
  2. Soliyah

    Am i ready for harvest? Really confused

    I've used neem oil, and a little dawn and water
  3. Soliyah

    iron deficiency or sun burn?

    I've been told its both and I'm still curious. Its really really white. What is it? And what needs to be done?
  4. Soliyah

    Am i ready for harvest? Really confused

    Ok thanks, I'll do that, and its Triple Cheese from barneys farm, and yes its white white, that and because someone else told me it may be iron was making me think that, but I didn't know they could get a white sunburn, thanks for the help
  5. Soliyah

    Am i ready for harvest? Really confused

    Ok i appreciate it, I was really confused because I've read that you want to try to get them before the trichomes turn brownish, and some of them already are, also what can I do for an iron deficiency in a seedling?
  6. Soliyah

    Am i ready for harvest? Really confused

    ok this one has been flowering a little over a month now and the buds seem really small and they've gotten a few new white hairs lately and almost all the trichomes are milky and a few are amber like its ready to harvest, this is my first grow, help appreciated in advance
  7. Soliyah

    LSD auto question

    Is it possible that it was overwatered during the storm and has a lockout of iron now? I'm not using any water other than tap water, and the rain water it got
  8. Soliyah

    LSD auto question

    What can be done for an iron deficiency at this age?
  9. Soliyah

    LSD auto question

    Any tips for this little one? This is Triple Cheese
  10. Soliyah

    LSD auto question

    Yes, they went through a bad storm and it has been hot recently so nothing has went right for the three of them, I tossed this one because it kept looking worse and worse and showed no sign of growth and the other one stated damping off. I have one auto left though in a 5 gal bucket that seems...
  11. Soliyah

    Seedling Root Rot?

    The other day while I was sleeping before night shift we got alot of us expected rain and my seedlings were out in it, i haven't watered since, its been 2 to 3 days but they still look awful, so is this root rot or something else?
  12. Soliyah

    What is going on here?

    I have trimmed off all the bad stuff, I hope all is well now
  13. Soliyah

    What is going on here?

    Shit, what should I do? Remove the lower bud sites and let it keep going or try to harvest the entire plant now to keep from losing it? Or what?
  14. Soliyah

    What is going on here?

    Ok, thanks, I appreciate your advice What really concerns me is that the really small leaves on the inside near the middle of the plant, haven't all changed color and they're really mushy instead of being crispy, this is my first grow, i just don't know about this issue
  15. Soliyah

    What is going on here?

    Is this root rot? It seems all the leaves are rotting from the bottom up It got left out in the rain the other day and got alot of water, thats what makes me think its root rot What should I do? Please help. thanks in advance
  16. Soliyah

    LSD auto question

    these are LSD autos from barneys farm Is this a result of too much water? Or what? What can be done?
  17. Soliyah

    Trimming and pistil questions

    Well shit, I was hoping for an easier less time consuming grow, with a good yield, because I am not always home and my wife tends to them when I'm not around. I'll try these and see how they do. I really appreciate the help and advice though, friend!
  18. Soliyah

    Trimming and pistil questions

    Im really not sure, it's a bag seed, I've been keeping it on a strict 12/12 light schedule bringing it inside at 8pm into complete darkness and back outside at 8 am, its my first grow, I really hope it's not going back into veg :-( I have tough started some LSD auto seeds from barneys farm...
  19. Soliyah

    Trimming and pistil questions

    My questions are Are the pistols Turing brown due to a stress factor? Heat? Cold? Or is this normal? And should it be trimmed any? Some of the middle and lower buds seem congested
  20. Soliyah

    First autoflower grow

    alright everybody This is my girst auto flower grow theyre now seedlings a little over a week old LSD auto from Barneys farm What are things imparticular good to know or things to look out for when growing autoflowers?