Search results

  1. Mcgician

    New Zealand and spider mites

    I'm about to try a product out called Mite Rid. I'll let you know how it works. I don't have a bad infestation, but I'm not fucking around waiting for one either.
  2. Mcgician

    *California could vote on legalizing marijuana in November...

    I knew when I posted my opinion on this I would take some shit for it. Compared to many, many others out there, I'm small time. I work a full time job, and contribute to society and don't just sponge off it, so please understand......this is NOT my livelyhood. Your last comment I think is way...
  3. Mcgician

    Who's battling root aphids?!

    I can't possibly be the only one that's had to deal with these fuckers. Nobody has a recipe for success? Seriously?
  4. Mcgician

    Does Dutch Master Reverse work

    I never thought I'd need this, but I recently found some sporadic seeding going on one of my strains. :cuss: They are about 2 weeks into flower and I've already plucked out what appear to be young, undeveloped seeds in some parts of the buds, and sprayed the stuff on them tonight. I really...
  5. Mcgician

    *California could vote on legalizing marijuana in November...

    Interesting idea, you could very well be on the right track here. In a capitalist society though, do you really feel that sort of law shaping has a shot? There are so many factors and exceptions to the rule I find it hard to believe that the actual rules would be followed. IMO, the smaller...
  6. Mcgician

    *California could vote on legalizing marijuana in November...

    I am for decriminalization, not legalization. I won't be voting for it. Regardless of how much I enjoy it, love it, like to grow it, etc., I definitley don't want to see Phillip Morris running the show, because that's what'll eventually happen. No real beef with Phillip Morris actually, but...
  7. Mcgician

    Who's battling root aphids?!

  8. Mcgician

    13 weeks into flowering....

    nice, what strain is that?
  9. Mcgician

    Mothers always under MH light?

    I use a 3K MH for the first few weeks of flowering to keep the internodes short. It's working well for me. Check out the new Sun Pulse bulbs and you'll see why.
  10. Mcgician

    Who's battling root aphids?!

    I'm not fighting fungus gnats dude. I'm fighting ROOT APHIDs. Where are all the experts with advice here? I know I can kill off them off, but how do I do it without sending the root zone into shock?
  11. Mcgician

    House of Garden vs. Dutch Master

    Yes. They are all good choices except for great white. The high salinity in the nutrient solution will kill off your mycorrizhae. Total waste of money. Go to DMaster's website and read up about it. Mycorrizhae is a waste of money if you're doing any kind of hydroponic setup. They only...
  12. Mcgician

    There Is No Devil.

    Classic. This thread is illustrates the need for that vintage "outsider" Uncle. Always and never are the realm of the closed-minded. That is all. edit: "Hi, I like to say something vague in every thread." Lol. Who am I?
  13. Mcgician

    Who's battling root aphids?!

    I've managed to stomp most of them out, but some still remain. All the ones I gave the dunk of death to are gone, but some are now in the rockwool slabs of flowering plants. How the fuck am I gonna get rid of them? The dunk I gave them was a 2% solution of Take Down in water, but while it was...
  14. Mcgician

    How long do mixed nutrients stay ok for?

    Only your plants can tell you the answer imo. It depends too much on resevoir size, how often the plants feed, and how well their "food" is dialed in to what they need. Two weeks is the longest I've ever gone, but 10 days is pretty normal for me.
  15. Mcgician

    House of Garden vs. Dutch Master

    I use Dutch Master nutes as well and can't say one bad word about them. What I've found is that their products are "no bullshit". They don't have a line of 13+ items you absolutely "have to have" like Advanced Nutrients or H&G. IMO, that's where they make all their money. This is my first run...
  16. Mcgician

    Why did Obama win the Noble Peace Prize?

    That's what they hand you after you sell out your country to marxism, and make a world tour apologizing for every core principle America stands for. Oh, and all within his first 2 weeks of office. Lol! The word ridiculous doesn't even come close to explaining this one. What is does say is...
  17. Mcgician

    Im getting sick of this crap Ph!!!!

    Good news, but shouldn't your desired pH range for DWC method be more in the range of 5.8-6.3? Only if you're growing in rockwool does it need to be between 5.5-5.8. At least that's what's worked for me. I have no experience in DWC though.
  18. Mcgician

    Optional forum "looks"

    My eyes thank you. Thanks for fixing whatever happened!
  19. Mcgician

    Optional forum "looks"

    ^Fucking spammers! Can we at least get an answer as to what's going on with all this? Is this happening to everyone or just some? WTF? My eyes are killing me. :(
  20. Mcgician

    Optional forum "looks"

    Seriously! My eyes need the old skin I had before. I know I'm getting old, but damn.........this sucks.:confused: