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  1. smoothy

    Help identify this! PICs

    Forgot to add that i only fed or water when pots are completely dry!
  2. smoothy

    Help identify this! PICs

    Hi all, I overfed a few plants at 1/4 strength of Fox Farm Nutes and flushed twice since. I've noticed bottom of leaves turning yellow-thought it was from nute def from flushing. I've waited til new growth was normal color or alittle light green til i fed next with 1/16. Still, yellowing at...
  3. smoothy

    Lime causing Mag def?

    Thankx for a reply Wet,-the lime is called "GardenLime :Ground Dolomitric Limestone"-which reads as i see it - 20% Cal and 11% Mag. I follage fed with 1/4 tsp epsom salt and looks like it may have done the trick, so now if it comes back i'll use it in the soil. Hey Wet one of my girls is...
  4. smoothy

    Lime causing Mag def?

    Hi All, All my girls are doing fine but one is developing a Mag def. First time using lime in soil and thought that the lime is suppost to buffer the ph as well as keep the mag/cal in check. The plant wit the mag def runoff is 6.8 After doing some research on the net, i read that you have to...
  5. smoothy

    Will flushing plants lose lime in soil?

    Thanxs Ak for that reply -i no now that i have to add alittle more lime in my soil. Easy question for someone to answer-people here aren't asking for money just help with their smoke-peace
  6. smoothy

    Will flushing plants lose lime in soil?

    This is suppost to be a forum to help each other-i cant believe no one can help here but will answer questions on how to put soil in a pot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hump:
  7. smoothy

    Will flushing plants lose lime in soil?

    Hi All, I have alittle nute burn on some babies, so i flushed em but was wondering does the flushing wash away the lime too? As you can tell, this is my first time using lime in medium-not sure if i have to reapply more lime. All replies appreciated
  8. smoothy

    Lethal Purple ?

    My problem is really the auto-flowering part. I got some other babies in their with the lethal purples and think i might have to switch them all to flowering if those lethals go auto on me.
  9. smoothy

    Lethal Purple ?

    Hi All, Trying to find out about Lethal Purple by GWN seeds. After searching the net, i'm getting mixed reviews. got 5 going now at 2wks old and at first was hearing great stuff about them-now, not sure! 1) some people are saying that they auto-flower 2) some people are saying that only the...
  10. smoothy

    How fast does it ake lime to neutralize soil?

    :shock:Hi All, My last couple of bags of FFOF have been in very low ph ranges. I 've added some dolimate lime to mix about a week ago and still low ph! I'm thinking maybe a month it takes to kick in ? All girls look health now but don't want to get caught with pants down! I know i can flush to...
  11. smoothy

    F@#KING cat eat top of New Babies!

    I'm going to give the sneaky bitch(cat) one more chance-I always have to keep her from the room. As for the other girls, I really hope they recover because they only have their cotyledons on them-so i'm going to patient and give them more then enough time to recover just to see the out come for...
  12. smoothy

    F@#KING cat eat top of New Babies!

    I agree with just wait and see wat happens to plants now! I read somewhere on net that they may recover with 2 new colas as if they where pruned. Not sure about, but just maybe they'll recover. As for the friggin cat- I didn't see her follow me into the grow room when i opened the door(sneaky...
  13. smoothy

    F@#KING cat eat top of New Babies!

    Hi All, My cat got into grow room and eat the tops off 4 new girls but all still have their cotyledons. Should i toss the girls plus cat or will the girls grow back with 2 colas or wat? Fucking cat -is going no matter what!!!!!!! :-(All replies appricaiated
  14. smoothy

    Lime Questions

    i've been getting a few different ph readings in my ffof soil this grow. I us a hanna digital meter. This grow has gone well with a few ph probs and thought that with the lime in the soil -plants medium wil be ok next time round. I've been reading that a lot of people are have similiar issues...
  15. smoothy

    Lime Questions

    ;-)Hi All I never used dolomate lime before and wanted to try it out on next grow. My questios are -How long will the 1 lime application last for in a grow and how fast does it start to effect or work in the soil?