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  1. dirrtyd

    First outdoor/first soil grow question...

    i will try if the harvest comes out okay .
  2. dirrtyd

    First outdoor/first soil grow question...

    Had to take a vacation glad laws are changing. Thinking about doing some outdoor grow consulting next year. Since everyone wants to grow now a days. I think I can get them at least a quarter a plant if they got good sun and follow instructions well. Also was thinking of giving them one visit...
  3. dirrtyd

    First outdoor/first soil grow question...

    I see yellowing on all the plants. I also see the soil looks clumped up. When did you put them out or when was the pics taken not a miracle grow fan at all. could just be over watering
  4. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    Not sure how many hours of light you getting down there. But seems to me you should be able to shut them off now. But I use the waxing moon for transplanting my plants. They seem to keep right on growing. All the roots were bright white when I did the gurls this week. keepem green
  5. dirrtyd

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Nice seeing you VG still gleening through your thread. keepem green dirrtyd
  6. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    Well it is the waxing moon again so looks like everyone will get there final home this week. Can't wait until July to see the progress. Pretty sure everything will reach my expectations. Had a buddy come over he has the same clones purchased same day and time. He asks me why are my plants bigger...
  7. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    Yes with the fogger no bending over to spray no having to have a super finger for the spray bottle. Also it flips the leaves for you. keepem green dirrtyd
  8. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    Thanks for stopping by KIC stay safe. Well gave the gurls a neem bath today with the fogger makes things so easy. keepem green dirtyd
  9. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    I'm thinking we can still go to Bodega and hop on with Rick Powers a local charter boat. Bring coolers cause we will haul in alot of meat. Or you can come down to the Bay and we can go out of Berkley or Emeryville. You have halibut striper and salmon plus rockfish as your choices of fishing...
  10. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    420 I wouldn't step into a 14 ft boat going in the Ocean. Trust me been on the water last 25 years and have a lifetime fishing license. Now back to the gurls tranplanted the largest PBK so far into a 30 gallon tote. Going to put the SFV into a no till pot. The weaker of the first two PBK will...
  11. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    Yeah that is only one I will prune it here shortly .That will be my LST plant for the year. Well time to water the gurls. keepem green dirrtyd
  12. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    How you like the one in the rubbermaid spread all kinda ways. I think this will be a good year for sue the way the plants are growing. keepem green dirrtyd
  13. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    Good rockfishing in Bodega Bay. Just Bad currents sometimes. Cordell Banks good fishing deep water though. Okay here are the pics as promised enjoy. The fennel is going over the fence. keepem green dirrtyd
  14. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    Well went out today and pruned the inner branches off of a few plants. I think by doing this on these plants now it will save me alot of time come August. It also opened up the inside of the plant real nice. Still going to try and put up pics later a little mor pruning to do. On the plants in...
  15. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    Sounds great Nuggs just let me know. Just finished watching my grandson get selected for All Stars. Yeah the last time I grew the grapefruit diesel it did me real well nice fat Nuggs no pun intended. Well a little hot today pics willhave to come tomorrow. keepem green dirrtyd
  16. dirrtyd


    Nuggs they are looking great I have a pruprle Alien Og and some bubba Skunk going now. Going to have to transplant the Bubba Soon.Oh yeah the rockfish season has started and the are catching alot of lings already. keepem green dirrtyd
  17. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    Well its been awhile. The gurls are taking off that are in the ground the others are waiting for transplant in ten days. I will post pics tomorrow there is a nice difference since the last time I posted pics. I have added some Afgoo, Agent Orange and my favorite Grapefruit diesel too the garden...
  18. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    The gurls looked good today. Cant wait for the roots to hit the good stuff and start taking it up. Enjoy your Holiday keepem green dirrtyd
  19. dirrtyd

    How Late can Clones go out???

    What is your weather year round temperature wise?
  20. dirrtyd

    How Late can Clones go out???

    If you got a greenhouse pretty much all year round but the size of the buds will fluctuate. Also you will have to mix up your growing styles to achieve your goals. keepem green