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  1. smokinrav

    Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

    Seriously, parents do not look at their children as potential mass murderers. We just don't, in a normal family situation.
  2. smokinrav

    Pandemic 2020

    Man, this shit is getting old...
  3. smokinrav

    Pandemic 2020

    Hardee's used to have the best damn chocolate shakes, ever. What a gift for the traveling stoner
  4. smokinrav

    Was Biden a good choice or was he the only choice?

    I'm not sure what you said to earn this enmity, but i agree with you on a lot said here. I was regular US Army, fyi. Not a Republican.
  5. smokinrav

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Fort Gordon, Georgia. It has a spectacular array of landscapes, but guarding a truck, unused for years, in the middle of one of the largest army bases on Earth, deep in America, with an unloaded weapon, is just stupid.
  6. smokinrav

    Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

    I dont disagree. When China takes Taiwan, and it will, we'll see where the rubber meets the road in US diplomacy. Just look at how cowardly NATO is being when faced with a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Its embarassing.
  7. smokinrav

    Pandemic 2020

    My mom would laugh her ass off. I was lucky to be born to a hippie chick in San Franciso in 1966. Sadly, today she's a right wing shithead like most white 70 somethings.
  8. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    Paywall, use incognito or private tab. This is terrifying for me as a father of two girls just reaching adulthood.
  9. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    Just another asshole on the ignore list.
  10. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    Such a despicable human you are. Grow the fuck up. Life isn't about PWNING the libs
  11. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    The chief justice’s opinion closes with this grim warning: If you missed it, that's the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court That close enough for ya, Jimmy?
  12. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    No, I won't. His federal prosecutor will clear all that shit up though.
  13. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    I dont know......the intentional destruction of American democracy?
  14. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    This is the correct answer
  15. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    Dessicated Quark would bring mass gold pressed latinum
  16. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    Like the Ferengie lol
  17. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    That would cap a perfect, horrible, life
  18. smokinrav

    When Trump Dies

    Man, I hated that 'not knowing' shit. One of the reasons I love growing my own stash. Coke, I grew out of it thank the gods
  19. smokinrav

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Don't get me started on flowboxes and arrows lol
  20. smokinrav

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    When I was at Fort Gordon, our busy work was guarding a camouflaged duess and a half. In the fucking Georgia desert (yes, it has one)