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  1. SpawnOfShulgin

    US Seed vendor reccomendations

    I am looking for strain and seedbank recommendations for the US. I have only grown bagseeds and a few autos. Looking for a place with a decent variety that ships from the US and takes a card. I could also use bitcoin but would rather not.
  2. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    Before the lights came on I took some pics and included pics of the lights i use. I keep one of the smaller leds lower over the shorter plant to get better penetration. Someone above suggesting putting the plant on something, but i think this has the same effect basically. Buds are developing...
  3. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    I only have a few cheap Amazon "blurple" grow bulbs and cfls to compare it to, but the moment i switched the difference was dramatic. Id recommend it to a grower on a budget for sure. Its pretty light and doesn't put off much heat at all.
  4. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    I try for 6.2. The past few waterings have been straight Distilled water. When the burnt tips appeared I was worried it was nute burn so i stopped feeding til i figured it out. Usually i use 5ml per gallon calimagic along with Blue Planet Nutrients and are in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil...
  5. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    Its a but to early in flower for leafs to be dying off I think and this has been progressing. I thought it was burn at first so started to flush and its gotten worse. So to feed or not to feed, i suppose is the question now.
  6. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    I appreciate all this feedback. My daytime temps are upper 70s nighttime since i insulated windows are low 70s. RH runs between 30-40%. I am not adding a humidifier right now, and they seem to be mostly okay with it. Any advice on this? Not sure if nute burn or a deficiency.
  7. SpawnOfShulgin

    Looking for any insights on My 2x4 tent (2000w enjoyyeild LED)

    They are coming along but I can't figure out if this is nute burn or not and I am not sure how to proceed from here. Also i have discovered thrips again. I sprayed some spinosad soap and dusted the soil with diatomatous earth. Hopefully that will handle it. I have been battleing them for a...
  8. SpawnOfShulgin

    what is the best water to use...

    Well yeah, if your live in some place with absolutely horrid tap water, probably not a good idea. My tap is 60-80ppm. I don't let it sit out or anything so far no issues. I suppose if i lived in a place like flint Michigan i wouldn't use the tap.
  9. SpawnOfShulgin

    what is the best water to use...

    I use tap water usually, or sometimes i buy gallons of distilled water. Water is water. As long as you Ph adjust it and the plant has proper nutes, its fine.
  10. SpawnOfShulgin

    Why would a leaf grow vertically?

    Is it close to your fan it? It does look otherwise healthy
  11. SpawnOfShulgin

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Don't sell yourself short that looks excellent.
  12. SpawnOfShulgin

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    Only 26 days since the flip and its starting to look like is snowed
  13. SpawnOfShulgin

    Nute burn or something else?

    Honestly, I am just not gunna risk it. The temp swings are still within what the plant can survive. I have window insulation on the way, and that will definitely help with the temp drop at night. The tent is in a closet with a window and that window is quite drafty. Daytime temps are usually...
  14. SpawnOfShulgin

    Anyone have a favorite fan they really love? They all seem so cheap or weak.

    I don't have a link, but for a small space this clip on dual fan is pretty sweet. Its quiet bit strong for its size. Its speed adjustable and each fan can pointed different directions. Works great for my 2x4. Got it on Amazon for about $40 i think.
  15. SpawnOfShulgin

    How did my cousin get a half pound off of 4 plants using 4 of these drivers and single led

    That's 2 ounces per plant. It shouldn't be hard to achieve with a good light. Idk shit about drivers, but I use a 2000 watt enjoyyeild (330 actual watt) LED in a 2x4 and am hoping for somewhere the neighborhood of a half pound from 2 plants.
  16. SpawnOfShulgin

    Nute burn or something else?

    So i appreciate the advice on the heater. After doing some thinking i may have to just try to insulate better. My grow tent is in a space with no outlets and is powered via extension cords. I already get anxiety about running 3 lights, and 2 fans on it. I am not sure at what point overuse of...
  17. SpawnOfShulgin

    Bud deformed

    Got pics of the whole plant? Would probably help
  18. SpawnOfShulgin

    Dam gnats

    Yeah that too. Excellent point. They mate in the air so if airflow is stagnant they can reproduce better. A fan makes it so harder for them to fly so they can't fuck and make as many baby gnats. The eggs get layed in the soil, and the layer of diatomatous earth kills the hatchlings as they try...
  19. SpawnOfShulgin

    Dam gnats

    Diatomatous Earth is a live saver. Put a layer a quarter inch thick on the soil, dust the plant (not buds or you'll never get it off) and then wait a few days and rinse it off. You may have to repeat 2 or 3 times. Usually gnats start because of over watering.