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  1. max316420

    Veg Smell??

    dude sorry but i gotta steal that for my signature
  2. max316420

    Oh shit...

    and if your gonna use tinfoil then use the dull side
  3. max316420

    Oh shit...

    i'd say you overfed them, take a pic of the top of the plant.. Might wanna get you light a little closer too
  4. max316420

    PICS of the plant!

    looks fabulous.....
  5. max316420

    how do these look?

    Little kids should be supervised when they're on the internet
  6. max316420

    Veg Smell??

    I'd go with option 1
  7. max316420

    Close to harvest..wilty cola leaves..whats wrong?

    Dude your avatar is funny as hell..
  8. max316420

    how do these look?

    This troll has been reported
  9. max316420

    Veg Smell??

    I'm doin WW now and doesn't even have a smell in veg but blooming is a different story... wowzer, can we say carbon filter
  10. max316420

    PICS INCLUDED! whats causing this? and what should i do?

    And sorry didn't realize you were in FFOF, I have found that the food in there last about 2 weeks then you need to start feeding, If it has been at least that long then I would go for full strength. I have burnt some ladies feeding in FFOF right when I replanted. IMO 2 weeks then start feeding.
  11. max316420

    PICS INCLUDED! whats causing this? and what should i do?

    I would go with the ff, I have been using their growbig for about 10 years and NEVER had a problem with it.. You might wanna get some type of calmag supplement to go along with it cause I noticed with TB that you will get magnesium defs if not supplemented. And that dude that's shit talking is a...
  12. max316420

    ///need help please!

    ooooo shit we got another 12 y o on here
  13. max316420

    Veg Smell??

    my bb smells like a skunks asshole in vegg
  14. max316420

    PICS INCLUDED! whats causing this? and what should i do?

    he probably doesn't even know.... fuckin trolls
  15. max316420

    PICS INCLUDED! whats causing this? and what should i do?

    Your doing a good job homie..
  16. max316420

    PICS INCLUDED! whats causing this? and what should i do?

    ya i just started growing yesterday.. Don't really have a clue what i'm doing, most of what i'm saying is pure noob bullshit lol
  17. max316420

    PICS INCLUDED! whats causing this? and what should i do?

    My friend was using the same food and I think its a little weak, just bump your food up a little and you should be fine.. BTW they don't look bad at all, should clear itself up once you get some more food in her
  18. max316420

    leaves long and thin with pics.

    looks good to me, what issues are you having?
  19. max316420

    Help Diagnose Small Spots

    other than you slight issue those ladies look fabulous... beefy as hell, should produce a good yield