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  1. InTheValley

    Speed Haze with a cheap COB

    yo THT, here is the tree i think is Lemon Thai, 12/12 from seed, 77 days from start, chopping in 2 days. These colas are 10 inches round, and like rocks. I crossed the same bagseed male I grew and pollied my FireOG with it. and this is the offspring, at 38 days from seed. I GMLd half of it...
  2. InTheValley

    Speed Haze with a cheap COB

    awesome. I have my cross ( fireOG x Lemon Thai kush, ( i think it is) 2 weeks into flower,.. I know for sure its fire OG mom and a bag seed, that looks alot like Lemon Thai, *shruggs, we'll see. lol ill post a pic a bit later, looks great tho man,
  3. InTheValley

    Speed Haze with a cheap COB

    yeap, good job, .. anything running now, THT? 12/12 seed fan myself.
  4. InTheValley

    Let's Screw

    humm, if they come down to around $30, id give it a try, lol.. would definitely make sidelighting more optional,
  5. InTheValley

    So, I made this light...

    i lol'ed,
  6. InTheValley

    Bridgelux EB-series on a 2' x 4' SCROG

    the struggle is real,
  7. InTheValley

    Best Cure to date.

    man, if you have a food saver vacuum machine, wow, wet trimmed big leafs, hung for 5 days, finish trim, brown bagged another 5 days, vac pack for 7 days, opening for first 3 days for an hour, then resealing, last 3 days, leave sealed. WOW, all i can say about that. best harvest ive ever had...
  8. InTheValley

    'My' method of simple drying/curing (going forwards) will be this

    61%RH, 61-65F, wet trim, hang 14 days, chop up to size, Paper bag for 2-4 weeks, shake daily. Jars are for long term storage. Best cure is in a paper bag. For me anyways. Found if i leave leafs on, it smells like grass, like as if you throw them into a bag of dry leafs,*shrugg, I would guess...
  9. InTheValley

    Best Cure to date.

    Hey, he spent more time typing and thinking out this comment, so you still win, lol..
  10. InTheValley

    When to flush?

    You too Beachwalker. Got to love the science of this plant, thats for sure.
  11. InTheValley

    When to flush?

    and since EVERYONE here, says, "No your wrong", then Id expect the same lol..
  12. InTheValley

    When to flush?

    smh, this thread is whack. Bro, your buds look FARRRR off before a flush is needed. 75% brown hairs, start flush. Flush till your PPMs are the same as your flush water. Water between flushes with just molasses. Never feed just water, When your halfway thru flower, Usually when you start...
  13. InTheValley

    Bud rot

    its mold man, I would think anything u do, it will always have pathogens.
  14. InTheValley

    Leaf temps under LED/LEC/HPS

    Mine Pray at 79F/49RH
  15. InTheValley

    Spectrometer and new COB

    Ive made one in the past, 2 actually. couldnt get the software optimized correctly for some reason. I also made the cereal box/cd, .. here is a pic of the spectrum thru the cereal box, and my modded Mars300. Cyan is the magic wavelength. These were just 30 days from seed i believe.
  16. InTheValley

    Spectrometer and new COB

    O, i agree.. make some DIY and sell them for $300, BWHAHA
  17. InTheValley

    4 Inches is all them girls need?

    man, i use fab pots, i dont like the mold buildup on them. salt, whatever, dont like it.. going back to plastic 1 gallons and drilling a thousand holes in them, there, now they can breathe, lol.. whats the trick with the fab pots anyways? Spray them down everyday on the outside, to attract roots?
  18. InTheValley

    Spectrometer and new COB

    man, i sure wished they made an economical spectrometer, but then again, if they did, it would drastically cut retailer bullshit across the board. i like the handheld one like a phone size, simple
  19. InTheValley

    advanced nutrients solution ph won't come down (urgent)

    man, I hear ya. I dont use PH perfect now, I use MegaCrop and RO water. I check my PH with the drip in solution, not meter. So, for the hell of it, i tested the PH of a batch for flower. tested, and it says it under 4.0 Super orange. Ph of the RO is 6.5 per data sheet for this water. Im...